Season 1 Episode 8 - Not Again

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Ken walks to two inmates and the man who is sitting at a table nods at Ken and says "Alright Ken?" Ken rests his hands on his waist and says "I need a job that needs doing" and the man nods and asks "Well, what's up?" "I need you to contact Stephen and tell him to do a job for me" and the other man who is standing beside Ken asks "Why can't you do it? You gettin lazy old man?" Ken glares at the man and says "The only reason you're breathing is because you're in Liam's crew and for your information I ain't handling this myself is because they are eyes on me" and the man who is sitting sternly says "Kieran back off! What do you need done Ken?" Ken looks at the man and says "I've gotta warn ya Liam, this job it means getting blood on your hands" Liam smirks and says "I can live with that" and Ken sits down beside Liam and says "The names Jesse Pinkman I want him dealt with". Liam furrows his eyebrows together and asks "You want him dead?" Ken shakes his head "Nah, I just wanna teach him a lesson Liam" and Liam nods and looks to Kieran and says "Kieran fuck off" and Kieran nods and walks off. Liam asks "Is this about that visit you got?" Ken nods and says as she stares at the ground "It was my Daughter, this Jesse guy is messing her about. Knocked her up and is taking drugs, it's breaking her goddamn heart so I want him dealt with no comebacks" and Liam nods and lightly nudges Ken and says "Don't worry Boss we'll break a couple of bones at least, we will make him pay" and Ken nods and says "Good, let me know when it's done" and Liam lightly slaps his hand on Ken's shoulder.

Scarlett walks into The White Residence and Skyler is making coffee and she turns around and her eyes widen and she asks "Scar?" and Scarlett weakly smiles and says "Hey Mom" and Skyler rushes over to Scarlett and envelopes her in a hug and Skyler steps back and says "I'm so glad you came here, I've been worried sick. Have you been taking your medication?" Scarlett's facial expression hardens as she drops a box that is gift wrapped on the sofa and says "Don't get too excited, I'm just here to drop off Junior's birthday present" Skyler looks down disappointed and Scarlett turns around and Skyler says "Please, don't walk out that door, not again. It hurt too much the first time" and Scarlett turns around and faces Skyler and exclaims "What do you expect?! You lied to my face for years! You made me believe Ken didn't give two shits about me!". Tears start to form in Skyler's eyes and Scarlett points at Skyler and says "Don't, Don't cry" and Skyler cries and says "I can't help it! Everything is falling apart. You moved out and you hate me, Junior's acting up and Walt's hardly home these days and Marie slapped me and hates me" and Scarlett closes her eyes and opens her eyes and says "I'm going" and Scarlett turns around ready to walk out the door and Skyler doubles over in pain and Scarlett rushes over to Skyler and holds her upper arm and worryingly asks "Mom? What's wrong?". Skyler gasps in pain and says "I think it's the baby" and Scarlett says "C'mon we gotta get you to the hospital" and Skyler looks up to Scarlett with a pained and scared expression and pleadingly says "Don't leave me Scarlett" and Scarlett longingly looks at Skyler and says "Never, I'm here Mom. I'll call Dad" and they rush out of the house.

Sean knocks on Jesse's door and after a moment Badger opens the door and Badger looks Sean up and down in a questioning stare and asks "Yo man, who are you?" and Sean punches Badger and Badger falls to  the floor clutching at his bloodied nose and Sean glares down at Badger and angrily says "You think you can mess with Lettie?!" and Badger stands up and asks "Who the fuck is Lettie?!". Jesse comes running through and looks between Sean and Badger and exclaims "Yo, What the hell is going on?!" and Badger says "This asshole just attacked me!" and Jesse glares at Sean and says "Go clean yourself up Badge" and Badger nods and says "Alright Jesse" and he walks off. Sean looks at Jesse in realisation and chuckles "Ah let me guess you're Jesse?" Jesse  looks at Sean and asks "Who's asking?" and Sean smirks and charges at Jesse, ramming Jesse into the wall and presses his forearm up to Jesse's neck and says "So its you who's messing with my sister?" Jesse says "Look dude, you got the wrong guy!" and Sean shakes his head and says "No I don't think so. You broke Scarlett's heart" Jesse looks at Sean in confusion and Sean says "I don't think you've met me, I'm Sean Scarlett's brother and the thing s you broke her heart she's in pieces and nobody but nobody hurts my baby sister" and Sean steps back and punches Jesse.

Scarlett walks to Jesse's house at night and sees Jesse sitting on his porch steps smoking his cigarette and he looks up at here and grins "Scar? What you doing here?" and Scarlett sits beside Jesse and says "I don't know I've been out here walking around town and I just came here" Scarlett looks at Jesse and notices his cut lip and a black eye and she asks horrified "Oh my God what the hell happened to you?" Jesse scoffs and says "Your brother" and Scarlett shakes her head "He punched Badger too"  and Scarlett deeply sighs "Im sorry Sean, he's hot headed. Is Badger okay? Are you alright?" Jesse longingly looks at Scarlett and bites at his bottom lip and says "He gave me a black eye and Badge a bloody nose but you know what don't worry about it". A moment of silence passes as Jesse smokes his cigarette and Scarlett says "My Mum went into labour today, she had a little girl...Holly White she's too cute she is the spitting image of my Dad" and Jesse smiles "The kid will be lucky to have you as a big sister" and Scarlett chuckles. Jesse throws away his cigarette and says "I'm glad you're here, I'm happy to see you I missed you" and Scarlett sadly looks at Jesse and says "You fucked up Jesse" and Jesse nods and says "I know I did..I just needed a little pick me up. I shouldn't have and for that I'm sorry Beautiful, just give me a second chance I promise ya I'll treat you better" and Scarlett scoffs and says "Jesse don't you get it? I didn't leave you 'cause you mistreated me I left you because of the drugs" and Jesse nods and says "then I'll stop" and Scarlett chuckles in disbelief and she says "aw c'mon Jesse be realistic" "I'm being serious Scar if me stopping the junk means that you'll take me back and be my girl again then I'll do it" Scarlett smiles as she is close to tears and she asks "You really mean that don't you?" Jesse nods and says "Damn right just tell me what to do to make us better and I'll do it yo" Scarlett smirks ""I'll be moving into my old house tomorrow. You can help me and make it up to me" and Jesse grins "you got it". A moment of silence passes by when Scarlett breaks the silence by saying "I'm pregnant" and Jesse's eyes widen "You - you're pregnant?" Scarlett nods and a tear trails down her cheek and she says as her voice breaks "and I'm so scared Jesse" and Jesse presses his forehead against Scarlett's forehead and gently strokes her cheek using his thumb and says "Don't be scared Beautiful I'm here" and she places her hand over Jesse's hand that is on the side of her face and asks "you aren't angry?" Jesse chuckles "Why would I be pissed? The girl I love is carrying my kid" and Scarlett grins.


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