Season 1 Episode 3 - Real Feelings

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Scarlett and Jesse are sitting on Jesse's sofa and Jesse says "shit Babe I'm sorry" Scarlett shakes her head and says "don't be sorry. It's not your fault that I've got a fucked up life" and Jesse chuckles as she tucks a stray piece of hair behind Scarlett's ear and he asks "so what are you gonna do?" Scarlett palms her cheek and says "I hate Ken but I need answers" and Jesse says "I can drive you" and Scarlett cups Jesse's cheeks and they both stare deeply into each other's blue eyes and she says "what did I do to deserve you Jesse Pinkman?" Jesse grins "it's me who doesn't deserve you Scar" and they kiss.

Walter Jr and Walter and Skyler are eating breakfast and the front door opens and slams shut and Scarlett and Jesse walk through to the living room and Skyler and Walter roll their eyes at Jesse's presence. Walter Jr smiles and says "Hey Jesse" and Jesse awkwardly smiles at Walter Jr and says "Hey man". Scarlett walks to the cream sofa and she sits on the arm of the sofa and Walter asks "Princess are you okay?" Skyler says "yeah, you don't look too good" Scarlett deeply inhales and she says "Listen guys I'll probably be gone for like a hour or two" Skyler asks "why? Where you off to?" Scarlett and Jesse glance to each other nervously and Jesse places his hand on her shoulder and she says "I'm going to see Ken" and Walter coughs on his eggs and he swallows the remaining food in his mouth and he asks angrily "what?! Definitely not!" Scarlett looks at Walter and says "but Dad he wants to see me!" Walter Jr says  "yeah why can't she go see her Dad?" Walter stands up and shouts "KEEP OUT IF THIS JUNIOR!" Scarlett stands up and shouts "DON'T TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT! Look I've not seen him in years. I'm going!" Walter is red in the face with anger and he shouts "YEAH YEARS! HAS GE BOTHERED WITH YOU IN YEARS! NO HE HASN'T!! HE ISN'T CAPABLE OF REAL FEELINGS LET ALONE BE YOUR FATHER!" Scarlett groans. Skyler says "Babygirl you know I normally have your back but your Father he's right..Ken he's bad for you" Scarlett shakes her head and says "Look Ken is my Father whether you both like it or not I'm going!" and she storms out of the house and shouts angrily "c'mon Jess!" Jesse runs out following Scarlett.

Later on that day a knock on Skyler's door interrupts her thoughts and she stands up as she breaks out of her trance. Skyler opens the front door and her jaw drops as she sees Sean Everett and asks in shock "Sean?" Sean grins and says "Hey Sky In back" and she groans.

Jesse's car is parked in the prison parking lot and Scarlett and Jesse are in his red car and Scarlett stares at the prison in front of them and Jesse looks at her and says "I can turn back around if you want and treat you to take out y'know if that's what you want?" Scarlett shakes her head and says "nah we're here now I'm just tryna prepare myself is all" and Scarlett looks at Jesse and says "I won't be long" and Jesse leans towards Scarlett and they share a kiss and Jesse leans back on his seat and says as Scarlett opens the passenger side door and "hey yo, don't take any of his shit" Scarlett looks back at Jesse and she smirks and she says "since when have I took any bodies shit?" and Jesse chuckles as she walks to the prison.

Skyler walks in her house with Sean following her and Sean says "so where's Lettie?" Skyler turns around to face him and folds her arms across her chest and says "she's not here" Sean looks at Skyler and says "well where is she?" Skyler exhales frustratingly and says "she's visiting Ken" Sean's face falls "what?!".

Scarlett is sitting in the visitation room and she nervously looks around at all the other visitors. A moment later and the door opens and all the inmates walk in and they walk to their visitors and Ken looks at Scarlett astonishment and shock fills up in his face and a male officer shouts "move it along Everett!". Ken rolls his eyes and he walks towards the table Scarlett is sitting at and he sits across from his estranged daughter and he smiles and says "Pumpkin you've grew!" Scarlett glares at Ken and says "yeah and you would've seen me growing up if you hadn't got yourself locked up" Ken nods and says "yeah guess I deserved that huh" and Scarlett nods and says "yep". Ken fondly smiles at Scarlett and says "I'm glad you came" Scarlett scoffs and she leans forward and says "let me just get this clear the only reason I'm here is because that prick you sent came to my work and practically harassed me to come here" Ken frowns and says "well thanks anyway" Scarlett says "what is it exactly you want?" "A relationship" and Scarlett laughs and says "you for real? In seventeen years I've not heard from you not a phone call or a letter nothing!" Ken tilts his head to the side and says "nah that ain't right" Scarlett bites the inside of her cheek something she does when she's ready to blow and she asks irritated "you calling me a liar?!" Ken softly says "Pumpkin I wrote to you all the time. Every birthday I sent a present for you to Walter's house" Scarlett folds her arms across her chest and says "you're lying" Ken chuckles in disbelief "I ain't lying. What would I gain from that?". A moment of silence passes between the estranged Father and Daughter and he says "I'm guessing if you didn't know about the letters and things I sent you, you won't know about the house" Scarlett's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she shrugs her shoulders and asks "what house are you talking about?" Ken scratches at his eyebrows and says "oh this is priceless. When I got sent down and I got sentenced I wrote our old house in your name. It was yours when you turned eighteen" Scarlett scoffs and says "you know what? I don't believe a word that come of your mouth you wanna know why? Because if that is true my Mom and Dad would have told me" Ken looks saddened and says "wow he's your Dad know?  Tell you what why don't you go on home and ask your Dad and your Mom everything thing I'm lying about and we'll see who's really lying then" and Ken stands up and walks out of the visitation room leaving Scarlett with her thoughts.

Scarlett walks into The White Residence and she says "Mom? Dad? We gotta talk!" Skyler stands up and asks "Babygirl you're back?" Scarlett nods and says "yeah where's Dad I gotta talk to the both of you. I need answers" Skyler nods and says "okay Baby but first there's someone here to see you" Scarlett shrugs her shoulders and asks "well who is it?" Sean walks out of the bathroom and into the kitchen and says "hey Sis" Scarlett's face falls and she asks "Sean?" Sean grins "yeah it's me long time huh?" and she rubs into Sean's arms and hugs him and says "I've missed you!". After a moment she steps back from the hug and slaps him across the face and shouts with emotion in her voice "you asshole!" and she runs out of the house leaving Skyler and Sean in utter shock and confused.


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