Seaaon 1 Episode 5 - Never Lied

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Scarlett and Scott are in the gym and are running on the treadmills and Scott says "So, when are you gonna tell him?" Scarlett asks as she continues to run "Who?" Scott says "Jesse!" Scarlett shakes her head and says "I don't know, I wanna tell him but what if he runs off and I'm left with a kid on my own?" Scott says "Look Scar you and Jesse have been together for a long time trust me he'll be there". Scarlett says "Nah you don't understand Jesse likes his parties too much. It's when he starts being a Dad he won't have much of a social life" Scott glances to Scarlett says "I'm sure he'll come to terms with it" Scarlett nods "yeah I hope you're right..I'll tell him tonight".

Combo, Badger and Skinny Pete all walk inside Jesse's house and Jesse who is smoking a joint looks to his friends and nods to them as they all sit down "Hey yo fellas, come on in". Badger says "Hey man" and Combo asks "Where's Scar?" Jesse leans his back on the sofa as he continues to smoke and says "She's at the gym with Scott" Skinny Pete nods and says "Aw right" Combo looks at Jesse in concern.

Scarlett walks in The White Residence and she puts her pink gym bag on the sofa and Walter approaches Scarlett and grins "Princess, I'm so glad you're here" Scarlett walks past Walter to her bedroom and Walter follows her. Scarlett grabs her duffel bag and she opens her closet door and takes out some clothes out and starts to pack her bags. Walter says "Scarlett, what are you doing?" Scarlett glares up at Walter as she continues to pack her bag and says "I thought that was obvious. I'm packing my bags. I'm moving out" Walter chuckles in disbelief and he says "You can't just move out. Where will you go?" "I'm going, I'm moving into Jesse's" Walter frustratingly rubs at his forehead "Princess don't do this. Pinkman's a scumbag he'll just break your heart. Your Mother and me have warned you many times about him" Scarlett scoffs as she zips up her bag and says "That scumbag is my boyfriend he has been for a long time and besides he's never lied to me unlike you!". Scarlett slings her bag over her shoulder and walks towards her bedroom door and Walter pleads "Please Princess don't do this. We're a family" Scarlett furrows her eyebrows together and purses her lips together and asks "Are we?". Walter nods and says "Of course we are. Your Mother, Me, Junior and the Baby and You" Scarlett scoffs in disbelief and says "Oh yeah one big happy family. Don't make me laugh" and she storms past him.

Sean is sitting inside his motel room and is sitting on the bed and looks around and he stands up and leaves the motel room.

Scarlett walks inside Jesse's house and Jesse and Badger and Combo are sitting in the living room playing call of duty on the x box and Combo smiles at Scarlett and says cheerfully "Hey hey Scar's in the building" and Scarlett laughs and she says "Hey boys" and she walks towards the back of the sofa and wraps her arms around Jesse's shoulders resting her hands on his chest and Jesse kisses her on the lips and says "Hey Babe" and Scarlett smiles and says "Hey Baby. So what you guys up to?" Badger looks at Scarlett and says "Just playing Call of Duty. Pete's off to the store to get beer. There's some Budweiser in the fridge, you want one? we saved one for you" Scarlett shakes her head and says "Nah I'm good" and Combo says "It ain't like you to turn down free booze" and Scarlett kisses Jesse's cheek and stands up straight. Scarlett says "I got work. I don't think Tommy would like me going in there pissed" and Badger laughs and says "Hasn't stopped you before. Remember that time you went into work high" and Scarlett shouts "I DON'T WANT A FUCKING DRINK ALRIGHT!" and she storms upstairs and Jesse looks to Badger and says "Thanks man" and he stands up and goes upstairs after Scarlett.

Ken is standing in the prison yard talking with three inmates and a male officer approaches them and calls "Everett! You got a visitor!" Ken looks to the men and pulls a confused face. Ken walks into a empty visitation room and sees Walter sitting at a table and a guard shuts the door once Ken and him walk in the room and Ken slowly claps his hands and sits down across from Walter and says "Wow just wow long time no see Walty" and Walter says "It's been a while" Ken laughs and exclaims "A while?! Try seventeen goddamn years". There's an awkward silence and Ken says "So who are you here Walter?" Walter coughs and asks "What did you tell Scarlett?" Ken shrugs his shoulder "I told her the truth. Did you?" and Walter sadly nods and says "I lost her because of you" and Ken laughs "Because of me? Explain yourself" "You told her and now she moved out" and Ken leans back in his chair and says "I look at you and do you know what I see? A coward a weak shrivelling pathetic excuse of a man". Walter's face is filled with anger and says "I'm pathetic? You ungrateful son of a bitch! Let me remind you when you got locked up I took your kids in, gave them a life not so much Sean he left when he was eighteen but Scarlett she got a childhood, she got a education. All you cared about was your business you didn't care for them kids". Ken slams his hand down on the table and says "I care about Sean and Scarlett. So don't you dare sit there and say I didn't love 'em. I know Walter" Walters face fills with confusion as he asks "You know what?" Ken leans forward and says "I know it was you who told the cops about me. You got me arrested, you took me away from my family but Walter guess what? My times almost up. I get outta this shit hole in a year and when I do" Ken says in a threatening tone of voice "I'm coming after you" and Walters face falls and Ken stands up and says to the officer "Take me back to the yard".

Jesse is sitting on his sofa leaning over the glass coffee table and organises three lines of cocaine on a plate and he rubs his nose and he sharply inhales and he puts the rolled up banknote up his left nostril and starts to snort the line and he lifts his head up and his eyes widen and he rubs his eye and mutters "Damn this shits good" and he leans back down and continues to snort another line of cocaine and Scarlett walks in and Jesse stops what he's doing and Scarlett has a shocked expression across her face and she asks in disbelief "Jesse?"


The Story of Scarlett White (Season 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें