Season 1 Episode 7 - My House

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Scarlett is sitting across from Ken in the visitation room as she is visiting Ken. Ken says "I didn't think you'd want to see me again" Scarlett awkwardly scratches her head and says "I talked with Walter and Skyler about what you told me and they told me the truth. I'm sorry I had no idea" Ken softly says "Pumpkin it ain't your fault. I don't blame you, I blame Walter" and Scarlett smiles and says "You told me when I first came to visit you that you wanted us to have a father and daughter relationship, I'd like that too". Ken smiles and nods and says "Good..So what you doing staying at a motel?" Scarlett looks at Ken with a confused look and asks "What? How did you know about that?" Ken lightly chuckles and says "I've got eyes and ears everywhere". Scarlett smirks "Well I was staying with my boyfriend but we got into this huge fight and I left him and I moved out" Ken asks "What happened?". Scarlett tries her best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall and says "It doesn't matter". Ken nods and says "Well how about this idea? I get in touch my lawyer and you can stay in our old house" and Scarlett smirks and asks "Really?" Ken smirks and says "Yeah I mean technically it's your house and besides I don't want my little girl sleeping in a cheap tawdry disgusting room" and Scarlett smirks "Thanks Dad" and Ken rubs his head and says "Alright my lawyers name is Saul Goodman I'll get him to meet you" and Scarlett nods and a moment passes and Ken asks with concern "You okay? You look like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders" and Scarlett says "Can I tell you something?" and Ken nods "Sure Pumpkin, What's on your mind?" Scarlett exhales "I'm pregnant". Ken face changes to anger but looks at Scarlett and says "Who's the Father? Is he supporting you? He better be" Scarlett says "He doesn't know. I tried to tell him but we got into that fight and I dumped him" Ken shrugs his shoulders and asks "Over what? What'd he do? Did he cheat on you?" Scarlett shakes her head "No Jesse would never do that to me..I caught him taking drugs" Ken clenches his jaw and asks "Jesse who?" Scarlett says "Pinkman - Jesse Pinkman" and Ken nods and says "You're doing the right thing leaving him, he sounds like a waster".

Jesse is sitting on his couch and his eyes are red rimmed Bad he clutches at a framed photograph of a younger Jesse and Scarlett and they are on the beach and she's in a black bikini and Jesse is wearing trunks and she is on Jesse's back as her legs are wrapped around his waist and her arms are wrapped around his neck and he has his  placed behind her calves are they are laughing. Jesse cries as teardrops fall on the photograph. Walter walks in and Jesse wipes away his tears and Walter enters the living room and exclaims "Jesse! Why didn't you show?!" Jesse stares down at the photograph and sniffles and says "I'm taking a personal day yo" and Walter scoffs and shouts "You can't just take days off whenever you want! This isn't school!". Jesse glares up at Walter and says "Mr White stop giving me giving me grief dude, I ain't in the mood yo!" Walter looks taken back at how Jesse is all the time he knew Jesse Pinkman he never showed emotion. "Jesse? What's wrong?" Jesse scoffs "What do you care?!" Jesse strokes his thumb over Scarlett's face in the photograph and Walter says "Jesse tell me, has something happened?" and Jesse says "Scarlett broke up with me" Walter looks shocked but happy and says "What? Why?" and Jesse stands up abruptly and shouts "It's none of your business!" and walks to the other side of the living room. Walter glances to the photograph and picks it up and smiles down at the photograph and says "It's a lovely photo. You both look happy" and Jesse smiles fondly and says "We were, it was our second date. I wanted to impress her so I took her to the beach, we were so happy" and Walter sadly smiles at Jesse and says "Maybe Jesse this is for the best" Jesse glares at Walter and asks in disbelief "What?" "Well at least you don't need to lie to her about our partnership, it's a good thing really" and Jesse shouts "I love her! Get out of my house!" "Jesse I-" "GET OUT!" and Walter looks taken back and nods and says "Okay I'll leave" and Walter walks out of the house and Jesse slides down the wall and cries and rubs the sides of his neck.

Scarlett is sitting in Los Pollos Hermanos and pulls out her cell phone and sees nineteen missed calls from Jesse and one text message from Jesse 'Please talk to me at least let me know ur ok and where ur staying Scar I miss u 😔💕xxx' and Scarlett sighs as she contemplates whether or not to reply to Jesse's text. When a man holding a briefcase appears at Scarlett's table and asks "Miss Everett?" Scarlett peels her eyes from her phone and looks up at the man and asks "Yeah?" the man sits across from her and says "I'm Saul Goodman, your Fathers lawyer" and Scarlett nods "Ah right". Scarlett places her cell phone on the table Saul opens his black briefcase and he says "Ken sent me now I need-" Scarlett's cell phone rings and she says "Sorry, hold on a sec" and she smiles at the caller ID and puts the phone to her ear and says "Yo Badge, What's up?" and Jesse says "Scar please talk to me, I'm begging you here" and Scarlett rolls her eyes and says in a low stern voice "Not now Jesse" and Jesse says "Please just give me another chance" and Scarlett shakes her head "No you blew it, you blew any chance of us having a future together so just leave me alone" and she ends the call. Saul glances up at Scarlett. Scarlett says "Sorry about that'' "Its fine now lets get down to business. I've drawn up some paperwork stating you are the home owner of 5111 11th Street. All you need to do is sign on the dotted line below Ken's signature" Saul passes a pen over to Scarlett and Scarlett signs the paper. Saul takes a set of keys from his briefcase and hands Scarlett the set of keys and grins "Congratulations Miss Everett it's a pleasure doing business with you" and he extends his arm for Scarlett to shake his hand which she does they both shake hands and Scarlett says "Thanks Mr. Goodman" "Call me Saul, Miss Everett" Scarlett smiles "Its Scarlett" and Saul nods and smiles.

It's late at night and Scarlett is walking home and she tightly wraps her black leather jacket around her and Jesse's car pulls up beside Scarlett and he says "Hey Scar" and Scarlett walks on ignoring Jesse and Jesse drives slowly beside Scarlett and says "Why don't you hop in? I can drive you home" and Scarlett looks at Jesse and he says "Hey yo I seen the news the weather forecast say it's gonna rain like really come down" and Scarlett stops walking and sighs and walks to the passenger side and she gets in and Jesse grins and she says "Fine, this doesn't mean I've forgiven you, I just don't want to get soaked" and Jesse grins and says "Sure" and Scarlett looks at Jesse and she says "Quit smiling Pinkman just drive" and Jesse stifles a laugh and he says "Sk where to?" Scarlett says "Cumbre Motels" and Jesse asks as he drives on "You're staying in a motel?" Scarlett nods "Well yeah not that it's any of your business. I'm staying with Sean until I move into my house" and Jesse asks confused "House?" "Ken wrote my old house in my name so it's like mine now" and Jesse smirks "What? Is that the same house that you used to stay across from my Aunt Ginny's?" Scarlett nods "Yep look enough of the small talk just drive" and Jesse looks sad and nods "Sure thing Beautiful" and he drives off.


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