Chapter 24

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AN. in another tree :p I like trees, also, this chapter is personally my favorite, from here may come a third book! Please do comment if you want a third one, I think it'd be fun :)



Green~ Brave

Yellow~ Scared

Red~ Angry

Pink~ Happy

Blue~ Sad

Purple~ Nuteral/ average

Orange~ Lazy

Rainbow~ Joking/Random/messing around

I screamed as another syringe hit me, they had been giving me one every few hours, each one a different colour. I yelled, "Quiet princess" he smiled. I growled at my new name then he smiled and pushed another button, a second siringe came out, thats a first, they have always been one at a time, but now...

I yelled as the pain grew and it engected its contents into me, then the two siringes shattered. My eyes widened. So did the scientists. I glared at him and yelled "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?" then the glass around me shattered. I looked around and he yelled for his 'guards' I glared at him and he dropped to the floor unconscious. What the atual hell? That couldn't have been me... could it?

I looked at my restraints and tried to get them off. They came off. I dropped to the floor and looked at the restraints, still on the wall. I looked at my hands. "Woah... this isn't good" I mumbled. Then the guards came in. I stepped back a few paces, I was definitely out numbered. One guard ran at me, I backflipped and sent a kick to his chest. One shot a gun at me, I yelped and raised my hands to priect my face, but the bullet never came. "huh?" I looked up, the bulled had stopped in mid air, I liooked at my hands then grinned. Lets see what I can do...

I looked at one guard and clenched my fist, he grasped hisneck, I moved my hand, flinging him into a wall. I smiled in satisfaction, then all the guards ran at me "GET HER, DONT LET HER ESCAPE! " one yelled. I yelped and stomped my foot hard on the floor, large spiked of earth rose up, knocking them over, injuring most of them. I ran out the room, avoding the clumps of rock and ran out a door. I had no idea where I was but I was going to get out.

I looked around, there was a corridor withdoors, lots and lots of doors. "GET HER!" a assassin yelled. "Eek" I muttered running to the right, they followed, some ran at me but I easily lept around them. I ran down but stopped when an assasin lept infront of me, spinning around a scythe. I lept back, no weapons. I looked at my hands, please work? I moved my arms then dark enegy flew around, I nodded and shot it at him. He flew back and I smirked than made a bee line for the nearest exit. I noticed it was locked and I sighed "Why does this always happen to me? I wondered as I clicked my fingers, a green flame appeared, I threw it down and green flames sorrounded me. I smirked and kicked the door, green enegy flew around my foot and the steel door received a huge hole and fell off its hinges. My eyes widened and I ran outside, I was now on a flat rooftop. I ran, the assassins followed,  "CHEESENUGGETS" I screamed as I lept off the roof, I shot my hands down and created a yellow platform.

I lept down and went into a forwards roll before leaping up and running down the road, the assasins came and I sped up, yellow and green magic came off me, exploding streetlamps and stuff, I now realised how dark it was. I ran to a fence and lept onto it then onto a taller brich wall, I scrambled up then ran across it, the assasins followed. I yelped and ran onto a roof and up to another roof. I kept running and jumping until I found myself in central Gotham. "Okay, urm... agh!" I yelled as assasins came closer. I lept off the building but didn't toutch the ground, "Woah, thats weird"

I said in surprise, the assasins came closer so I flew off and towards the neerest zeta beam, I put in the codes for the batcave and was taken there. I flopped down onto Bruces chair and smirked as Robin came over. "Sky?"

"The one and only" I sighed

I was wrapped into a death hug "Skylar, I missed you so much" he said crying slightly, I hugged him back. "I missed you too dickie" I said gently, as we pulled away his eyes widened. he removed his mask, I did the same, his eyes widened more "what?" I asked.

"eyes and hair!" I looked in  mirror, the tips of my black hair were pink, turning yellow, as were my eyes "Jeez" I muttered.

AN. yayayayay, I hope you liked this or ill cry :-)

Oh, and I have a samsung galaxy tab 3 that won't turn on, I saw a way to pop of the back but it looks to hard and im bound to mess it up, and tips? Thankyou guys x

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