Chapter 1

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"Calm down....just calm down....everything will be okay...your alright...your safe....don't worry....just rub those palms together....take in some deep and and and-",sighs
in frustration.

"This is not working.Maybe i should call my brother."

No..not him again...he is going to be mad at you...why do u always bother him? Your being pathetic."

"Then my frienda maybe? They would understand after all".

Do you really wanna make them bored with you? They have better things to do im sure than spend time with your pathetic self.

"But i need someone right now....i can't seem to control this anxiety attack!"

What makes you think that they can control it or make it better? Why would they want to help you? Do them a favour and shut up and sit here alone...They don't care for you..They say they love you but they don't! In reality they are already fed up with you.

"Ill stay here till it passes...I will be fine...i will be fine", tears rolled down here cheeks as she listened to the voice of her anxiety and flung away her phone..too afraid to ask help. Curling up into a ball she rocked herself...whispering 'Ill be fine' to herself.
The cycle goes on....she tries to reach out...but nobody can really see her drowning...for anxiety was never visible like water...It drowned it's victims...invisible to everyone else.

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