Chapter 23

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Every touch is a burning scar, when you donot want that touch. You get over it with time...time heals everything...but it still leaves you changed and fearful. Everyone is someone to not be trusted. The night is fearful for you donot know what lies lurking behind the shadows.
They fail to understand why we shrink away from hugs and other forms of physical contact. This body is our own..its our home and when a intruder gets in leaving the home all do you repair it so easily? It's difficult. Even when you repair it all..the cracks are left behind. They stay there. Always.
You seem to not care...but deep inside you know how it's changed you.
That touch left by leaving you in pieces which has to be picked up and put back becomes more becomes easily's more sensitive as a small fall can break it easily.
The very idea of lonely places or sharing cabs with random strangers is enough to make you want to curl up in a ball and just stay put.

But remember we are warriors....and stronger than what you think...yes we are easily breakable..but don't forget...we already put our pieces back once...we do know how to do it again!


Sexual abuse or rape does more damage than you could ever imagine. Help each other. Throw away the mentality of punishing the isolating them..They are not dirty..nor are they impure. They are humans too. Give them love and care...any person who was subjected to any kind of sexual abuse will know exactly what im talking about when i say that...they need care(hella lots of support).
The pain is far from what you could even don't punish them further by avoiding them..lets all help each other.

Stay strong warriors❤

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