Chapter 4

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Do you know what is the worst thing about any mental disorder? Nobody but you can see it. If it were more like a broken arm..atleast people would known that your arm is broken. But how do one show there broken heart and mind to the disbeliving people?

It hurts when you finally open up and they either tune out or say some crap like, "Why should you be anxious or depressed? You have everything you want. You must be imagining things!"

Yeah like hell im imagining things! You then decide to not speak a word about anything to anyone. You would rather fight this by yourself than asking for help and get these replies.
After all if you can't see must not be there...right?


Hey guys! Talking from experience and yes.. i will be talking more on this topic...the stigma and everything.
Its so hard to wake up every moring and push ourselves to do things but dont worry...we will get through this..Together!
If you ever want to right here..Just message me..i will definitely be ready to talk without any judgemental bullshit
Till then...

Stay strong warriors♡

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