Chapter 6

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Am i the only one who feels as if maybe im talking myself into anxiety or depression etc? I feel like im faking this...i feel it so intensely at times.

What if im just faking everything and in reality nothing is actually wrong with me. I don't even think im depressed or anxious or anything because i do smile at times and feel calm.

But then again i get anxiety   attacks which are so real that i have being taken to a cardiologist and had ECG test done an ECHO test done and my heart was completely fine. Tests to check my thyroid levels were done too and those were normal too. It all feels so real. But then again i can't help but keep on thinking that im making this all up.

I even wondered if im sub consciously making this up for attention but i don't want to share this with anyone. If i wanted attention why would i still fake a smile before people?

I don't really know. It's all so very confusing and i donot know if anyone else feels like this too. Go on and write down in the comments if any of you ever felt the same.


Stay strong warriors♡

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