Chapter 22

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Desperate for some help...somebody anybody to pick you up from this burning pits of anxiety and depression...
You don't understand the pain of loneliness until you feel it. Don't get me wrong..we have those people we love around us. They genuinely think we are happy and fine...but we are in this big bubble which isolates us from them..We don't feel like they love us doubt every action of their's to be one of sympathy or pity and not love. This overwhelming feeling of loneliness and being takes a toll on you. You become even more distant..Why try when no one is there anyways...right? Nobody seems to care anyways..

These are all lies your mind is telling you...i know exactly how real they sound. You feel so lonely...but trust me dears...they ain't true..your life does matter to those people around you...and the sad truth is even though they may help you a bit..they still can't save you...saving yourself is your own duty and responsibility....we can do this...we are stronger than our demons!


Stay strong warriors❤

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