Chapter 18

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You are so depressed for many days and just then out of nowhere, you feel like you are getting better. Suddenly when you smile it does seem nice, you are able to dance a bit to a song(even though you dance around kinda fearfully and weakly) you are able to laugh at a joke, you are able to write, you look at the sky and sigh in relaxation, your breathing becomes normal and the bed is not as tempting as it was. You are able to think that you can overcome all this.

But then two-three days later, you slip back into what you were. That same hopeless, pointless feeling comes back. Breathing is difficult, along with anxious depressing thoughts. That same 'i don't feel any love' feeling comes back.
That same lonely feeling comes back and you relapse into it again.
Its so very sad. When you thought you were getting better but it was your mental illness just giving you a small break before it comes back again..even worse this time.


Stay strong warriors❤

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