Chapter 10

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We all are aware that mental disorders mostly make us overthink and leave us emotionally drained. But what we donot realize is it leaves us physically drained too.
Everyone with anxiety will understand me when i say that we all don't just have anxiety attacks that tire us out mentally but they also affect us physically. We get so tired with the muscle aches, headaches, jaw pains, chest pains, stomach aches, gastric problems and what not.

And at the end of the day when i say 'im tired', my mok asks me back,'tired doing what?'.
I will never blame her for not understanding. Most of the times i myself fail to understand. This war with ourselves...within tires us out to a point where all we want to do is sleep all day..Sleep and do nothing. Yes even though the mental part is worse the physical part of these illnesses ain't great either.

We are tired. Making it through the day like a normal regular functioning human...we are tired from fighting ourselves...and yes we are drained out.. so when we say we are's not laziness.. we truly are exhausted!


Stay strong warriors❤

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