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A sign. Where was the sign.

She had done all as StarClan demanded and ordered.
Obeyed their every request, and this was how she was repaid?

The ebony she-cat snarled, her emerald eyes narrowed into tiny slits as she scored her claws in the earth, her tail lashing furiously.

Cats whispered and murmured around her, the bustle of the clan echoing, uttering silent words of rumours and disbelief.

Not in her clan. Not in her legion.

Rumours and gossip were a waste of breath and time. A waste of everything, they were. Gossip and rumours turned them against one another. It made them fracture and scatter, fragmenting their iron legion.

She was StarClan's servant. Loyal and devoted. Yet on the night they promised to speak, they were silent.

"Should I fetch Warrenbriar instead?"

"No." The black she-cat's pelt spiked, her slender and elegant frame rising, causing the huge group to go silent.

The brown furred tom beside her shrunk back, his amber eyes reflecting the full moon as he withered away from her.

The angular framed feline whipped around, her furious eyes raking over her warriors. "Your precious StarClan, has abandoned you. Just as they abandoned me." She declared, her pelt flat, her voice dangerously calm despite the rage in her emerald eyes.

The whole group stood still. The silence deafening.

She was reminded of the hazy memories, back in the golden wheat fields with her lover, when the two of them had lolloped lazily through the summer days, lost in love before their joy turned to bitterness as StarClan abandoned them.
Suddenly falling back into her days of queenhood, when all the world was perfect. Her and her children. Monarchkit's beautiful face. Cedarkit's bright eyes. Cloudkit's soft pelt. The thought of them was enough to make her want to cry out in agony. All before StarClan ripped her children away from her in order to make her more loyal to them.

She had abandoned everything for them. Everything! She had given her life. Her soul. The essence of her very being into being devoted to honoring them and serving them. Yet they picked at the remains of all that caused her happiness like ravens at a carcass. StarClan had gone too far.

StarClan. StarClan. StarClan.

She was tired of the old religion and their cruel ways. How they demanded her service with nothing but suffering in return. She would not be StarClan's messenger. She would be her own deliverer. She would sanctify all the warriors of StarClan's peril and turn them to herself. She would save everyone.

Starting with her clan. They wouldn't be a clan anymore, they'd be a legion. Free and full without StarClan.

Looking around she saw only a group of starving individuals, united purely by desperation. Mothers watching their children die. Children burying their parents. Brothers losing sisters. Lovers losing lovers.

All because of StarClan.

She breathed in the cold night air. Snow was beginning to fall and their eyes brightened.

"The sign!"

"The snowfall! It's the sign!"

"It must be!"

"StarClan is saving us!"

"They've answered our prayers!"

The ebony she-cat snarled. "NO!" She screeched, her long winding tail lashing, rippling in the moonlight and flashing briefly like lightning; her words the brittle thunder.
"Think, long and hard. This is not StarClan's blessing. This is but another of their curses. No prey. No home. It's cold and wet. What do they send us? No prey. No new camp. But snow." She spat, looking out over her warriors as they thought about what she was saying, some of them nodding in agreement as they realised and understood what she was saying. "Frigid snow, to freeze us solid in our sleep. To whisk your kits and elders away as they rest. To further our famine and prolong our suffering all while they watch, helpless, from above." Her voice was bitter. Tainted with hardship and hatred. She looked no better than her hungry warriors. She was just as weak. Just as tired. Just as cold. They saw themselves in her. "StarClan are liars. They take and never give. They kill and they slaughter, yet still they are worshiped and honored as though they have the right to treat us so."

"But I will not let another kit die. I will not allow for you to endure their cruelty anymore. They take everything so that we beg. So that we can no longer thank the prey and the land that we are still alive, but so that we must thank StarClan. They manipulate and control. Taking advantage of your desperation and your venerability." She raised her voice, the passion in her tone inspiring even the weakest.

The crowd roared with anger and outrage, siding with their leader. They rippled and spurted with hatred, eyes glowing with hunger for blood and revenge.

"StarClan abandoned us a long time ago so now, they must pay the price. I will create a new order! All cats are welcome! We will not discriminate! We will not define a cat by where they came from, but by their actions! We will honor no one but us and the earth that brings us the bounty of prey for our survival! The land and it's gifts, for nothing is stronger than the soil beneath our paws and the mighty mountains that bestow our horizon. Those who still follow StarClan will be destroyed."

"We will rise. We will conquer. We will have revenge. We cats of the new Night Legion will be feared. Not for their fury, their rage or their cunning. But for their determination. Their ambition and their devotion. Their devotion for taking down those who wronged us. We will make them pay."


HELLO! Bambi here! This is just a bit of a test thing to see how well it's taken! This is a revamp of a The Stolen Hope, (my old story) and renamed it The Stolen!! I changed the plot and the characters a little bit but the main premise is the same! (Darkpaw isn't going to be such a cliche Mary Sue anymore I promise)
Please let me know if you liked it and what you think I can improve on!
I really wanted to convey a lot of emotion and power in the prologue to drag readers in instead of following description and scenery so I'm sorry if that's not what you like :(

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