Chapter 24 - { Nameless Faces }

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I murder love in the night.

Glittering drops of dew dampened their pelts as Darkpaw and Maplepaw swiftly approached the ravine. The stench of rogues, blood and grit filled the already heavy air as the two apprentices traveled through the fog. Coming up towards the ravine, the two young cats paused at the treeline, watching as flurries of unknown cats filed into The Legion's camp.

Flattening her ears, she suppressed a shiver as Darkpaw narrowed her pale gaze. Watching and observing the foreigners from where she stood. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the pelts of the rogues were streaked with blood, clay and mud in strange patterns and markings.

Coming out of the shadows as the last few rogues entered their camp and congregated down the bottom. The Legion cats emerged from their dens and looked at the foreigners with wide eyes. It wasn't long before Whisperstar emerged from her den, looking out at what could only be more than a hundred cats. Not even all of them were in the clearing below. Some of them were watching from the fringes of the cliffs that surrounded camp, perched on crevices and tucked away in envelopes of shadows.

Darkpaw and Maplepaw pressed close together as they watched from the top of the ravine. "Come on." She whispered, leading the way towards a patch of bracken that would shelter them from watchful, prying eyes.

Creeping closer to the edge, she narrowed her gaze, Maplepaw right beside her. Whisperstar was nothing but a silhouette through the fog. Her emerald eyes flashing through the grey, her long, snake like tail whipping behind her as she lifted her chin. A crooked smile curved the edges of the black she-cats lips as she let out a soft laugh.

"Must you always be so theatrical, my dear Lazarus?" Whisperstar purred as she elegantly bounded down to a lower ledge.

Darkpaw's ears pricked, her gaze widening with engagement as well as a strange excitement of sorts. Lazarus. So I finally get to see you. The dark tortoiseshell thought, whiskers quivering with anticipation. The mist was beginning to lift as the sun set, night rapidly approaching upon the horizon. Pricking her ears, she strained to hear even the tiniest of sounds. Her face was contorted in a thoughtful, attentive frown. She could see Maplepaw cast her a glance before he too looked back down at the camp.

Out of no where, the biggest cat Darkpaw had ever seen emerged from the middle of the crowd. Bigger than Mosspelt and Whisperstar combined. Her fur was thick and lustrous. She had a lion like mane with broad shoulders and a muscular body. Her claws were curved and long, looking like they were made of pure iron as they glinted in the half light. Her pelt consisted of pale, dilute tabby colours and her massive paws carried her steadily through the crowd while her thick, silky tail draped on the earth behind her. Her whiskers were long and white and adorning her face was a pair of bright, unmatched eyes. One, a piercing yellow shade, the other, a striking sapphire blue.

"Great StarClan!" Maplepaw gasped, his eyes wide and his jaw dropped. "That has to be the biggest cat in existence!" The ginger tom's pelt prickled with unease, his hackles rising slightly.

Darkpaw was in disbelief. That, was Lazarus. That monument of a cat, was Lazarus. The tactician. The dictator. The feared and respected. Well no bloody wonder! The tortoiseshell thought, pale gaze wide with shock and disbelief. Swallowing hard, she felt her muscles stiffen with anxiety.

Lazarus responded to Whisperstar's greeting with a crooked, toothy grin. Darkpaw's gut twisted. Even when smiling, Lazarus looked like she had malicious intentions. The monumental she-cat padded forward and bowed her head to touch noses with Whisperstar. The dilute tortoiseshell tabby seemed to have a deep purr rumbling in her throat before she spoke.

"I thought a grand entrance would amuse you." Lazarus replied. Her voice was deep, but far softer than Darkpaw had imagined just from looking at her.

Whisperstar blinked slowly at the other she-cat before turning to all the cats that crowded inside the walls of The Legion's camp. Legion cats had slowly emerged from their dens, gazes inquisitive and noses twitching as they slowly begun to mingle and merge with the unfamiliar felines.

"These cat's are nothing to fear! For they are our brothers and sisters. From now on they will sleep along side us, be our family, fight along side us and protect us as we will do to them." Whisperstar declared, her voice clear and loud. "By my side, is their leader, Lazarus. She is to be respected and obeyed. Treat her just as you would treat me. Another important announcement to make, is that at dawn, we shall set out to our new and permanent camp as this one is far too small to contain all of us and our new family." The ebony feline mewed, turning to look at Lazarus.

It was then that Lazarus stepped forward, her mismatched eyes glowing eerily in the fog. "It is my great pleasure to be able to stand here and look at you all. I know we will create a haven for all cats wronged by StarClan, by the Clans and by others. We will rise from the rubble with the strength of dawn breaking upon the black sky. We will rule this earthly terrain with the hearts of lions and the claws of tigers. We will be loved by all and feared by our enemies." Lazarus declared, her rogues roaring their support, many of The Legion cats joining in.

Darkpaw's heart sank. Their entire plan was compromised. They couldn't make their break for it tomorrow night or tonight, it was too soon and it would be far too disorganized to work. It would only put them in more danger. Her mind whirred with all the thoughts and possibilities. This could still work. It would just be harder and they'd have to re-think everything.

"What are we going to do?" Maplepaw asked, a worried frown furrowing his features as he turned to look at Darkpaw.

Darkpaw shook her head, fear clawing through her belly. "I don't know. We have to come up with a new plan fast. We can't meet Adderpaw and Roanpaw meaning that part of the plan must stay the same." Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at Maplepaw. "We have to do this. We can't stay here. They can't stay here."

Maplepaw nodded rigorously, his amber gaze bright as he tucked his paws underneath himself. "I know. We can and we will do this."

Darkpaw looked back down at the crowded clearing below, Whisperstar's words no more than a whirring white noise, ringing in her ears. The dark tortoiseshell she-cat sighed, uncertain and afraid. "What choice do we have?" She murmured, seemingly to herself.

"We don't." Maplepaw replied in a soft voice, the two felines pressing against one another's side in an attempt to wash away the gaping feeling of hopelessness and helplessness that churned inside their bellies.

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