Chapter 29 - { Unmasked }

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Wicked was the way of her bloodied, toothy grin,
Her eyes remaining fierce as she knowingly committed sin.

Sunset had fully arrived, it's amber light flooding the cavern in gold. Above, the clouds were painted in a deep shade of crimson red, warning of death. Darkpaw had retreated back to her empty den after her prayer to StarClan was received, hoping to get in as much last minute rest as she could. It wasn't long though before Whisperstar's emerald eyes appeared at the entrance to her den and the midnight she-cat wordlessly summoned Darkpaw to the great rock.

She followed the black she-cat through the tunnel until the feline paused and turned around to speak to Darkpaw. "Wait here and come when you are called." Whisperstar mewed, flicking her tail under Darkpaw's chin. "This is a tremendous day for you my little dove. You are going to shape the world some day. I am very proud of you." The ebony feline mewed, her emerald eyes gleaming as she touched her nose to Darkpaw's forehead before whipping around and sauntering away towards Lazarus.

Darkpaw swallowed back the bile that rose in her throat. She felt disgusting from having been touched by the vile feline. Releasing none of it, she sat down and swept her tail over paws. Just outside the dimly lit tunnel she could hear Whisperstar addressing The Legion.

"Tonight marks the night where my heir, my successor and my daughter and your sister, Darkpaw, proves to us all that she is ready to come in full responsibility of her position as next in line for leadership over the Legion." Whisperstar announced. "She has already proven that she is worthy in both wit and combat. But now she must prove that she is worthy in her cause."

Darkpaw struggled not to let out a low growl. Remaining expressionless and emotionless, she did not move, hiding in the shadows.

"StarClan is a plague and all those who follow them are infected with a terrible sickness. It is our duty to cull them so that they may not spread this infection onto us. StarClan are deceivers and liars. They take advantage of the sick and the weak and prey upon the strong to do their bidding." Whisperstar yowled, The Legion cats howling and chanting in response. "Which is why when there are cats among us who do not believe in our noble cause it is a danger to us all." Her tone turned from passionate and powerful into something dark. It made Darkpaw's pelt prickle with unease.

"One such cat has been found among us." Whisperstar announced, shocked gasps and terrified meows echoing throughout the cavern. "And Darkpaw, as a way to prove her loyalty to you and to our cause, shall rid us of him!"

The Legion roared with delight, their chants and cheers ringing in Darkpaw's ears.

"Come forth, our gladiator, and the traitor." Whisperstar announced, stepping aside. From in the darkness she saw three guards escorting Oakpaw into the light. Following after them, she took her place in the sun beside Whisperstar. Looking over briefly at Oakpaw, she struggled to keep the rage from her eyes. He was badly wounded. Covered in scratches and bites with blood still oozing from some the wounds. He looked over briefly at Darkpaw and the two of them locked gazes. She held his stare reassuringly, but he turned his face away.

Whisperstar wreathed around Darkpaw, brushing against the younger she-cat as she draped her tail along the tortoiseshell's flank. Mewing close in Darkpaw's ear, the black she-cat murmured. "Do as you will with him, my darling. The Legion turns to you now."

Darkpaw nodded, stepping forward, she waved her tail and beckoned for Oakpaw to come forth. The guards around him followed, their ugly scarred faces revealing nothing. Darkpaw looked to the tom and then back out at The Legion.

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