Chapter 22 - { The Half Moon }

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Secret meetings at midnight, by the old oak tree.
Find me sitting in the dark, under the stars,
yeah, that's just where I'll be.

Darkpaw had actually woken up sometime before moonhigh and simply lay dozing in her nest, waking up every few moments to see how high in the sky the half-moon was. She was too anxious to sleep properly and her mind wouldn't stop buzzing with impossible and ridiculous worries. She knew for sure that eventually, once Whisperstar had Silver and other high ranking members of the ominous rogue group killed that they would merge in with The Legion and create an even more powerful force. The tortoiseshell drifted in and out of her thoughts as she listened to the breathing of her denmates. I just have to anticipate when. Eventually, she couldn't see it anymore meaning it was right above them. Moonhigh has arrived at last.

Silently rising from her nest, she weaved her way around her sleeping denmates and softly roused all those who were departing with her. All of them were bleary eyed but pushed themselves to their paws, their pelts prickling with anticipation. Fernpaw and Blossompaw led them to the secret exit and all of them held their breath as the darkness of the narrow tunnel swallowed them. It was uncomfortable having the colt stone walls brush her whiskers but Darkpaw knew they'd be out in no time.

Reaching the top they ducked behind some bracken and smeared the rosemary and wild garlic that Oakpaw had collected for them on their pelts to mask their scent.

"Should we use mud too?" Stonepaw asked.

Darkpaw shook her head. "No. If we come back to camp covered in mud or wet from washing it off in the creek cats will be suspicious. By the time we get back the garlic and rosemary scent will have faded." She mewed as she smeared some of the crushed herb throughout Maplepaw's ginger pelt, the tom nodding gratefully.

Stonepaw nodded in understanding.

Before long, all of them were covered thoroughly in the herbs. Moving swiftly through the territory as moonlit shadows, they came to the border in no time, the group slowing down as they saw the reflections of two gases.

Roanpaw and Adderpaw were already there.

Darkpaw was relieved to see that they were okay but they looked a little scratched up and Adderpaw's mismatched eyes were glinting with frustration. Approaching them through the darkness, Darkpaw took the lead, unable to stop the small smile that tugged at her lips when Roanpaw stopped his pacing and looked at her through bright eyes.

He raced over immediately, pressing against her. Darkpaw was taken aback at the strength in affection he expressed, taking a step back to clear her throat. Roanpaw didn't seem to care. His green eyes were relieved and he smiled even wider when he saw how many cats were accompanying her.

"Adderpaw and I were so worried about you." The tabby tom mewed to Darkpaw, his dark coat washed in watery moonlight.

Darkpaw sighed. "I have to admit I was worried about you guys as well. How have things been back at your camp?" She asked, wanting to cut right to the chase and skip the small talk.

Adderpaw stepped forward, fur bristling as her tail lashed back and forth. "There was a skirmish on our border yesterday. More of those foul rogues who are allied with The Legion." The tricolour tabby growled, her smouldering eyes glinting in the pale half-light.

The tortoiseshell stiffened. "Speaking of, I've been able to find out a little bit about them." She begun. "Their leader is a cat named Silver. He's a big silver tabby tom. You'd know him if you saw him. His second is a cat named Lazarus who I haven't met. Their ranking system is based off of skill and usefulness to the group suggesting that who you fought in battle are of the more skilled but expendable of their warriors."

Adderpaw wrinkled her nose, digging her claws into the earth before she whipped around and begun pacing again.

Roanpaw looked back at his friend for a moment before back at Darkpaw and her group. "So what's the plan?" He asked.

"Maplepaw and the others have scoped out some other cats who may be willing to join us," She started, Maplepaw dipping his head to Roanpaw in a small introduction. "The only difficult thing was going to be getting out the kits but I've come up with an idea for that." She smiled, very proud of herself for coming up with the idea that she had.

Adderpaw and Roanpaw's ears pricked. "Well go on then, we don't have all night." Adderpaw mewed, irritable but curious.

"Darkpaw's idea was that if we distract them, alert them to the opposite side of the territory with words of invasion, it could make camp unguarded enough for us to be able to sneak the kits out unnoticed." Maplepaw mewed, amber eyes flickering like embers in the shadows.

Roanpaw frowned, shaking his head. "But if they think they're being invaded they'll leave cats to guard their camp, surely?" He frowned, gaze thoughtful and attentive.

"Not if they think the invasion is big." Maplepaw added, before giving Darkpaw a smug look.

"And certainly not if all of them get a lovely dose of poppy seeds in their prey before the escape." Darkpaw purred, sweeping her tail over her paws.

"What are poppy seeds supposed to to?" Roanpaw asked, eyes round with confusion before Adderpaw cuffed his ear.

"Knocks them straight out you bumbling idiot!" Adderpaw snapped playfully before looking up at Darkpaw, all traces of her previous frustration completely dissolved. "Great StarClan, Darkpaw you're a genius!" Adderpaw declared, bouncing on her paws and pressing her muzzle to the tortoiseshell's cheek.

"Thanks." Darkpaw purred bashfully before shaking it off. "On the night of the full moon is when this is scheduled to happen. We will distract them with the false invasion at dusk and by the time they realize what's happened we'll have escaped with the kits."

"How will you get everyone with you?" Adderpaw asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Blossompaw mewed as she stepped forward, puffing out her chest. "Darkpaw will have a few of us on a full day of patrols and before dusk we'll be in position at the top of the ridge. She'll send Fernpaw up to give us the signal that it's begun and then once camp is largely vacant, we'll come down and rescue the kits."

Adderpaw and Roanpaw nodded.

"There's one more thing I need you two to do." Darkpaw added, stepping forward. "Tell Mosspelt about this. Tell her to prepare a band of warriors to come to the border only on the day of the escape, and she may only tell them to gather here on that day. We can't risk one of the cats she tells to be a traitor. And... She needs to know that I am still loyal to BlazingClan and BlazingClan alone." The tortoiseshell mewed in a firm tone, lifting her chin and hardening her stare.

Roanpaw nodded, Adderpaw dipping her head. "We'll do everything we can for you Darkpaw." Roanpaw replied, his green gaze affirming her request.

Darkpaw bowed her head. "We'll meet you hear on the night of the full moon. Be prepared to fight if we're followed by cats from The Legion." The tortoiseshell spoke in a calm voice before turning around and beginning to lead the way back to their camp.

"We'll be ready, Darkpaw." Roanpaw mewed, his anxious yet stoic gaze resting on her shoulders before she turned and met his gaze, giving him one last nod before leading the others back to camp.

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