Chapter 15 - { One for the Price of Many }

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All of your good is mine.

Upon approaching the ravine, she recognized Spiderbriar and Crowdusk posted at the top of the ravine. They were murmuring quietly amongst themselves but there was no cover close enough to get within earshot and not be seen. As the rain pelted down and dripped off of her whiskers, Darkpaw shook out her pelt, padding forward, having rehearsed her excuse for being out so late many times over in her head. Holding her head high, she watched as the two she-cats averted their sharp gazes onto her.

Spiderbriar scowled. Spiderbriar had always had an innate disliking towards Darkpaw for some unknown reason. What she didn't know was that she was right to distrust the now conspiring apprentice. Of course, though, she didn't suspect a thing about the apprentices flawless composure.

"Where have you been?" Crowdusk growled in a low tone, her amber eyes narrowed in suspicion as Spiderbriar blocked Darkpaw's path.

Darkpaw scoffed. "Know your place in The Legion. I have no obligation to justify myself to you." The tortoiseshell mewed, rolling her shoulders back as she straightened her posture. "If it flattens your fur, I took a rather long nap after the meeting today and awoke when the rain started and got lost on the way back because I'm still learning the territory. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get to my nest." She mewed in a cutting tone before shouldering past the other she-cats.

"Why didn't you just follow a scent trail?" Spiderbriar questioned, haze suspicious.

Darkpaw snorted. "It can't be raining, can it? Rain that washes away scent trails?" She mewed sarcastically.

Spiderbriar scoffed in disgust as Darkpaw stalked by, the two Black Knights muttering to one another

She was powerful here and that would come as a great advantage in keeping cats on her side and from asking too many questions. The fallout of it would be catastrophic too. Cats would loose faith in Whisperstar if she betrayed them and escaped successfully; weakening their bond to the charismatic leader. That would come to be vital if she and the others wanted to free cats who still believed in StarClan. There's no time for doubt. She thought, trying hard to push all her fears and anxieties from her mind. I have to do this because if I don't more innocent cats will die. Bounding down the stony ravine, she landed steadily on the muddy earth below, the sludge squelching underpaw as she stalked across camp and padded into the cadets den.

Shaking out her fur as she entered the den, she didn't bother to groom before she went to sleep. All she wanted was to close her eyes and sleep, getting as much strength as she could before the new day begun; and she would have to get to work on her plan to free the stolen.

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Opening her eyes, Darkpaw watched pale dawn light filter into the den, watery and weak with the oncoming leaf-bare. Thankfully the rain had stopped during the night but the earth was still cold and damp; crystalline pools of icy water dotting the camp. Rising to her paws, she stretched in her nest, stepping over the sleeping bodies of her brother and the other apprentices as she exited the den.

Looking around camp she scented the air. Most cats were still in their den. Atop the ravine was Pineclaw and Snakeleg meaning they had already switched onto their shift during the very early beginnings of dawn. Waving her tail, she locked gazes with Whisperstar and Sagepaw from across camp. The black she-cat nodded, beckoning her apprentice.

Her heart pounded in her chest, rattling her ribs as Darkpaw padded over; her gaze flickering like a dim star in the early light. Grey clouds littered the sky like silver autumn leaves while a pale blue sky shone from behind them; they reminded Darkpaw of her mothers pale spotted pelt and how comforting that had been to her when she was small.

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