Chapter 3 - { Allies }

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"Search above the sickle shaped moon for the blazing star,
listen beyond the northern mountains you will hear a distant seething cry from afar."

Darkpaw's ears pricked, sitting up straight as the yowl of an unfamiliar voice echoed through camp. Ivystripe sniffed the air, a wide and warm smile spreading across her face. The silver medicine cat looked to Darkpaw, touching her tail tip to her shoulder.

"We'll continue this convocation at a better time, rosebud. I'm sorry that we were interrupted." She said softly, touching her nose tenderly to Darkpaw's before she bounded out of the den and into camp.

Confused, the scrawny tortoiseshell apprentice did the same. Turning around, she rose to balance on her lanky limbs, padding cautiously out of the den, ears pricked up with attentive curiosity. The lichen draped over her spine as she left the Medicine Cat's Den, her pale yellow green eyes glittering with interest.

She wanted to sneeze as StormClan scent tickled her nose. What were StormClan cats doing in BlazingClan camp? Her pelt spiked as she slowly unsheathed her claws, the skinny she-cat padding over to Shadowpaw. There weren't many of them. Ivystripe had made her way over to a thick furred black and white tom and the two of them seemed to be chatting away very happily. She could only assume he was StormClan's Medicine Cat. Flicking her tail tip irritably, she flattened her ears, watching as a large and long furred brown and white she-cat padded into camp, two other felines beside her. One of the other cats she had with her looked apprentice sized. Perhaps a little older than her but the same age as Sparrowpaw and Smallpaw.

Medicine Cat Apprentice maybe? She didn't think so though. There was already a smaller and younger feline hanging out with Ivystripe and.. Whoever he was.

"What's happening?" Shadowpaw murmured in her ear.

Darkpaw shrugged. "No idea." She mewed, standing beside him and watching the StormClan warriors through narrowed eyes.

The spotted she-cat watched as Flamestar bounded over to the muscular she-cat. She was a monument compared to him. She was sleeker and more muscular. Her pelt was thick and glossy. She had bigger paws and broader shoulders and the greenest eyes Darkpaw had ever seen. She was, in essence, an intimidating and beautiful specimen. Mosspelt had a similar build but she was more lanky. Still broad shouldered and muscular. She also didn't have long fur.

"Flowerstar!" Flamestar purred, pressing his muzzle to her cheek.

The BlazingClan apprentice narrowed her eyes, observing with suspicion and distrust. When she turned to speak to Shadowpaw, he was gone. Looking around wildly, she saw him chatting up a storm with who she assumed to be StormClan's Medicine Cat Apprentice.

Exhaling sharply, the tall she-cat's attention was averted quickly as Mosspelt waved her tail in signal for Darkpaw to come over to her. Her mottled vitiligo mentor was standing beside Flamestar and the other StormClan cats.

Cutting around the edge of camp to avoid the foreign warriors, she came up quietly beside Mosspelt, pressing against her mentor in search of some kind of reassurance. Here, she was able to get a good look at the other apprentice who had come along. He looked quite similar to Flowerstar. Emerald eyes, dark brown tabby pelt with white accents. His fur was thick, but not long like hers was. Darkpaw's whiskers quivered. All around. BlazingClan cats were gathering, excited and desperate to speak with their neighbours.

"Prey is running extremely well in StormClan. Our party from up north just returned with a haul of salmon that has already been ravaged." Flowerstar purred.

Flamestar chuckled in response but their convocation was sharply interrupted by Mosspelt.

"Forgive me if this is ill-mannered, but one does not simply waltz into anothers camp upon matters of friendship. What's really happening?"

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