Chapter 4 - { An Invitation }

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Deep in the night a deadly blight will come,
And then you must burn the forest or let it destroy you all.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Fire Stone for a clan meeting!" Flamestar stood tall and proud on the Fire Stone, his copper gaze gleaming brightly as the clan congregated below. The sunshine was bright and and cats buzzed with energy. It was about two days after StormClan had visited and everyone had been waiting eagerly for Flamestar to call together a clan meeting about it. But it was also Specklepaw's Warrior Ceremony.

Darkpaw sat at the edge beside Shadowpaw and Sparrowpaw, her dark tail curled neatly over her spotted paws. Her pale yellow green gaze fixed up on Flamestar, her pelt softly brushing her brothers. On the rocks beneath the Fire Stone sat Mosspelt and Ivystripe, murmuring quietly to one another before silencing themselves as Flamestar begun speaking.

"We have gathered here today to commemorate a new warrior among our ranks. She has trained long and hard tirelessly since she was first apprenticed, and the time has come for her to receive her warrior name." Flamestar's gaze rested on the golden spotted apprentice. "Specklepaw, please step forward."

The whole clan watched with bright eyes as the golden she-cat sauntered forward, her honey coloured gaze bright. Darkpaw flicked her tail tip, blinking her pale gaze.

"You were doubted when you first joined BlazingClan. Your kittypet heritage no secret to any of the clans. But among your time here with us you have learned the ways of a warrior and are one of our most skilled trackers. For this reason your warrior name shall be Specklegaze as no detail goes unnoticed by your sharp eyes." Leaping down, he touched his nose to Specklegaze's forhead, the newly appointed warrior giving the leader a respectful lick on his shoulder.

"Specklegaze! Specklegaze! Specklegaze!" The clan cheered.

Flamestar waited a few moments before waving his tail for silence. "Now, as you all know, our friend and ally, StormClan visited us two dawns ago. Upon this visit, Flowerstar proposed a tournament of games at the gathering place for all warriors and apprentices to participate in, as well as smaller events for kits and elders. BreezeClan and NightClan have both agreed to attend in celebration of moons of peace between the four clans." The clan started whispering, murmurs of confusion and excitement.

"But NightClan hasn't attended a gathering for six moons." Shadefoot called out, his gaze bright with confusion and distrust.

Flamestar opened his mouth to speak but Mosspelt curtly interrupted him. "NightClan has been preoccupied with affairs of it's own sort. Flowerstar said that they are on agreeable terms with all the clans and would enjoy attending the event." Mosspelt's voice was cutting as always, but a little more so than usual.

Shadefoot was silent.

Flamestar nodded. "Blackstar has happily agreed, as has Runningstar. It will be an event that runs for three days. Races, mock battles, scavenger hunts, capture the flag, history contests; a whole lot of fun activities for all cats. Mosspelt, Ivystripe and I shall be attending every day, as will all the senior warriors-"

Darkpaw flicked her tail tip, whispering in her brothers ear. "How much will you bet on me having to go every day as well since I'm Mosspelt's apprentice?" She whispered in an annoyed tone.

Shadowpaw smiled, bowing his head. "And me because I'm your big brother."

"Don't forget who was born first!"

"Never, shorty." Shadowpaw teased.

"Crookedtail, Shadefoot, Tigerfall, Hawkleap, Featherclaw, Bluemoon, Snowshade, Tansyhop, Greycurl, Fawnflower, Whitedapple, Leafshine, Smallpaw, Sparrowpaw, Darkpaw, Shadowpaw and Silvernight and her kits will be attending on the first day." Darkpaw smiled as she heard squeals of excitement come from the nursery as Larchkit, Aurorakit and Bramblekit bounced gleefully before their mother told them to quiet down.

"More shall be announced later on but the events start tomorrow at sunhigh and we are expected there a little before then. Meeting dismissed!" Flamestar waved his tail and bowed his head before turning and padding over towards Ivystripe and Mosspelt, the Senior Warriors joining them.

Darkpaw rose to her paws, Shadowpaw and Sparrowpaw doing the same. The tortoiseshell looked to the sky. It was only Sunhigh. They had half the day left. I wonder if Mosspelt would just let us relax before the big day tomorrow? She thought, watching birds cross the tree tops before descending into the forest.

"I'm going to ask Mosspelt if we can relax for the rest of the day together." She mewed, flicking her tail tip before padding over to her mentor.

Sparrowpaw's ear's perked up. "Oh okay!"

Pricking her ears, the briefly overheard the convocation. They were discussing tomorrow. Shadefoot seemed annoyed that he'd have to go out consistently for three days but Crookedtail assured him that the exercise would do him good. Coming up behind her mentor she sat beside her, Mosspelt turning her amber gaze down towards the apprentice.

"What is it, Darkpaw?" The vitiligo she-cat asked.

Darkpaw blinked her pale gaze. "Could Shadowpaw, Sparrowpaw and I rest up and relax until tomorrow?" She asked, keeping her voice low as not to disrupt the discussion.

Mosspelt thought for a brief moment before nodding. "Alright. If you leave camp be back before sundown. You are going to be coming with me for all of the three days as well, so save your energy."

The tortoiseshell flattened her ears, pouting slightly. "I figured. Tha-"


Darkpaw held back a growl as Smallpaw shoved in.

"Why does she get to go all three days? She's literally the youngest, scrawniest apprentice BlazingClan has ever seen! Why can't all the apprentices go on every day?" The pale furred tabby spat, glaring up at Mosspelt who's face remained expressionless. "It'll be a good social experience for everyone!"

The deputy flicked an ear, everyone's attention averted to their discussion now. Mosspelt turned her head to Flamestar. "Not my fault she's the only apprentice of the high ranks." She mewed, flicking her tail.

"What about Shadowpaw?" Tigerfall interjected.

Mosspelt didn't respond still looking at Flamestar for a decision.

"Please!" Smallpaw pleaded, her green eyes wide.

Ivystripe smiled. "I think all the apprentices should come each day! It will be good for them! All the exercise as Crookedtail said!" The Medicine Cat smiled, her sweet voice calming everyone.

Flamestar's whiskers quivered. "Alright. But all their mentors must go as well. I'm not making other warriors responsible for some other cats apprentice." He mewed. "Darkpaw, Smallpaw, away with the both of you." The leader mewed with an authoritative tone, waving his tail dismissively at the two apprentices.

Darkpaw nodded briskly, feeling her stomach toss with discomfort as she headed back to Shadowpaw and Sparrowpaw who pretended not to have been listening.

"Mosspelt said we can hang out but to be back at camp before dusk." Darkpaw mewed, trying to forget Smallpaws interruption so she could just relax and enjoy some time with her brother and friend.

Shadowpaw smiled, leaping to his paws. "Alright!"

"What happened with Smallpaw?" Sparrowpaw asked, his green gaze glinting in the warm sunlight.

Darkpaw looked to him, her pale yellow green eyes rolling. "She just butted in and made it so all the apprentices get to come each day. I'm not complaining, the days will be easier with you guys there." She replied as they walked towards the camp exit, her tail swaying behind her. "Maybe we can even have some fun?" She blinked, leading the way through the forest, bouncing and chatting with her friends before they had to return.

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