Chapter 5 - { Speculating }

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Ignite the flame and watch me burn.
Knowing that from it there is nothing to learn.
Vengeance is like that. So bitter. So sweet.

By the time BlazingClan arrived at the Gathering Place, StormClan and BreezeClan were already there sharing tongues and setting up some of the smaller games for the kits and elders. It looked like half of the two clans had attended which seemed to ease Flamestar. He also seemed glad they weren't the last to arrive. Darkpaw had to listen to Smallpaw brag and tease the entire way there. It was hard not to whip around and bite her whiskers off, perhaps even give her nose a good scratch as well to tell her not to do it again. But she had Shadowpaw to keep her company and it didn't matter now that they had arrived.

Almost instantly she saw Roanpaw's tabby pelt flash by as he bounded towards his friend, Smallpaw. Darkpaw wrinkled her nose in disgust, she had almost happily forgotten the foul feline. Sauntering by, she didn't even give any cat a second look. It was plainly obvious she didn't want to be there.

Shadowpaw touched his tail tip to her back. "It's not so bad. If you're lucky you might get to supervise some of the kit games!" He mewed, opening his mouth to speak again before they were approached. By a swath of apprentices. Most of them carried BreezeClan scent, but one was undoubtedly StormClan, given by her glossy coat and stocky, well muscled structure. It was the StormClan apprentice who approached them. She looked so peculiar. Her eyes, that is. One of them was a stunning shade of golden amber and the other a brilliant emerald green. Her fur was a tricolour tabby which wasn't unusual but with her eyes.. she looked extraordinary.

"Heya grumpy!" She purred, giving a toothy grin. Darkpaw looked up through a disapproving gaze. Shadowpaw was already sitting up and looking at them with a warm gaze. "Jeez champ, with that look you could be mistaken for a NightClan warrior." The tricolour she-cat joked, stepping back a little.

Before she could continue a dark ginger BreezeClan apprentice shoved forward, placing a paw on her chest. "My name is Cherrypaw. I'm from BreezeClan."

"Your scent gives that away bee brain, I know your clan." Darkpaw growled. Shadowpaw looked at her through embarrassed and angry eyes, surprise flaring in his dark amber gaze.

"Excuse me?" Cherrypaw gaped, her blue eyes accusing and outraged. "What's your problem Gloompaw? Who rained on your parade?" She huffed, sitting down and turning up her nose, the other BreezeClan apprentices now hesitant to introduce themselves for the fear of Darkpaws scrutiny.

Darkpaw huffed, her tail lashing behind her.

Shadowpaw rose to his paws, a warm and sheepish expression on his softly featured face. "I'm Shadowpaw, and this is my sister Darkpaw! We're from BlazingClan if you can't already tell." He smiled, his tail sticking straight up.

The StormClan apprentice hadn't given Darkpaw a second look after her negative input. "I'm Adderpaw from StormClan. The only other StormClan apprentice is Roanpaw, I have no doubt he'll introduce himself to you guys sooner or later. He's quite the social butterfly." She mewed with a friendly face. It was easy to tell that she and Roanpaw were close friends. Darkpaw flicked an ear, watching each of them with razor sharp eyes. Studying their every movement.

A pretty calico she-cat stepped forward to sit beside Cherrypaw, the other BreezeClan apprentices following suit, more confident now that Shadowpaw and Adderpaw had calmed the mood. "I'm Blossompaw, Cherrypaw and Maplepaw are my littermates!" She smiled.

One by one they introduced themselves. There were a lot of BreezeClan apprentices. Maplepaw was also dark ginger, like Cherrypaw, except he was very slender and tall, sort of like Darkpaw but she was a lot shorter than him. After him a cat called Amberpaw introduced himself. He was a golden brown tabby with copper eyes. Then his brother Stonepaw introduced himself. He was a grey and white tabby, having the same copper eyes as Amberpaw, and then there was another pale grey cat. She had dark marble stripes and pale green eyes. Her name was Sagepaw.

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