Chapter 9 - { A Noteworthy Observation }

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Like a knife in the woods,
you hunt down the good in me.

The next day Darkpaw could have sworn her eyes would melt out of their sockets. She had to be up at first light with Mosspelt, some senior warriors and Flamestar to help set up the gathering place. She didn't even know what was happening the entire time she was being ordered around. Eventually Mosspelt had given up and just told her to sleep, which she was eternally grateful for. She found a patch of soft grass under a winding oak tree.
At Sunhigh she was woken up by Mosspelt prodding her side. Her mentor's warm amber gaze was a nice thing to wake up to, despite the blaring sunlight as her eyes adjusted.

Yawning, the tortoiseshell apprentice stretched as she rose to her paws. Flicking her tail, the followed Mosspelt. The sky was clear and bright as it had been yesterday, soft white clouds dotting the endless blue horizon. A shiver of warmth ran down the she-cats spine as she stepped out into the warm sunlight, bounding forward to keep up with her mentors fast pace.

"Are the other clans here?" Darkpaw asked, looking up at Mosspelt.

Mosspelt nodded, her nose twitching at all the mingled scents that crowded the fresh, warm air.

The clearing was crowded with all the cats and her eyes scanned and searched the many pelts for Shadowpaw's black fur or his piercing dark amber eyes.

"All the apprentices are up the front with the Kits, Queens and Elders." Mosspelt smiled, having guessed she was looking for her brother.

Darkpaw nodded, touching noses with Mosspelt before turning and pushing through the crowd of cats to get to the front. The lanky she-cat could scent her brother among all of the strangers and when she finally saw his dark fur, she felt a rush of relief. Padding up beside him, she brushed against him, purring; before sitting beside him.

Everyone was here except for StormClan. All the apprentices of NightClan and BreezeClan... again? NightClan and BreezeClan have so many you'd think that they'd retire some of them for today. It didn't bother her though, and the confused thought was brushed aside when a friendly face emerged from the BreezeClan apprentices. Sagepaw!

"I didn't get to say goodbye yesterday! So I'll make sure to say it today!" The pale grey tabby mewed, her green gaze bright as she touched noses with Darkpaw in a friendly greeting.

"Did you get back home safe last night?" The tortoiseshell asked, the other apprentices breaking off into convocation of their own.

Sagepaw nodded vigorously. "Safe and sound! We travelled with NightClan which was fun. Did you guys walk with StormClan?"

The BlazingClan apprentice shook her head. "StormClan is all rivers and marsh. BlazingClan cats like their paws dry."

The pale grey tabby she-cat shrugged. "Fair enough." She nodded, opening her mouth to say something before a loud yowl interrupted her.
The rest of StormClan had finally arrived and Flowerstar was now able to begin today's activities.

Darkpaw hadn't even thought about what she had agreed to do with Roanpaw until she saw his face emerge from the crowd and padded over to her. Adderpaw was no where to be seen and as the tom approached, Darkpaw offered a welcoming wave of her tail. The tabby tom sat down beside her, his tail swept neatly over his paws.

"Hey." He whispered with a sheepish grin.

Darkpaw rolled her eyes, a small smile curving her lips, saying nothing as Flowerstar began to speak; addressing all cats.

"After a wonderful day yesterday, today is to be even more exciting! Kits are going to be competing in an obstacle course that was courteously set up by the early risers that came this morning. The obstacle courses will be supervised by apprentices as they alternate from mock battles and races that will be performed in here. Those will be supervised by Whisperstar, Flamestar, Runningstar, Antwhisker, Mosspelt and Pineclaw. Myself and Rowanstep will also be joining!" Flowerstar announced. Already the kits were starting to squeal and bounce with excitement, their mothers and fathers calming them down and quieting them as Flowerstar went on about the activities. "There will be a junior warrior versus senior warrior capture the flag which other warriors are welcome to join in on! That will be held on NightClan and BreezeClan territory as the one yesterday was held on BlazingClan and StormClan territory."

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