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Chapter 5

We entered the bar and I was extremely disgusted. The stench of alcohol and just low lives consumed the whole place. What would I give to be in my pent house with a margarita in my hand. As Lacy and I walked up to the bar a bunch of the other townsfolk gave me dirty looks. I just rolled my eyes, who do they think they are for giving me such attitude?

Anyways we walk up to the counter and Lacy slams her hands on top of it. "Get me the usual Max." I look at the bartender and he nods. Thats when he hands her 3 shots of tequila. I lift my eyebrow. "The usual?" She nods and in less than a minute she drinks all of them.

She sighs then smiles. "That's only round one, my usual are..." Thats when the bartender puts another 3 shots in front of her. "9 shots." I gasp as my eyes shot open. "9?" She nods as she drinks her 6th shot. I shake my head.

Thats when the bartender walks over to me. "What do you want Blondie?" I scoff. "Nothing that's good I can assure you." He rolls his eyes. "Im sorry we can't serve margaritas and caviar princess." I roll my eyes and that's when Lacy wraps her arm around my shoulder. "Lets go play darts." I nod. "Sure why not?" She smiles and claps her hands.

We walk over to the wall where the dartboard is at. She hands me 4 darts and she starts to throw the others that were left over. Once she finished she screamed. "Time for round 3." I shook my head as I started to throw the darts. Time passes by and I kept throwing them. I just couldn't get my mind off of the competition. I really need to get back.

That's when I hear a different style of music playing. I turn around and I see Lacy on top of one of the tables with her shirt off. I gasp and drop the darts on the floor. "Lacy get down from there." She shakes her head. "Im having the time of my life blondie, leave me alone." I walk over to the counter. "How many did she have?" He chuckles. "12." I gasp.

"Thats more than what she's used to." He chuckles and walks up to me. "What are we embarrassing you?" I scoff. "This isn't about me, this is about her making a fool out of herself." He chuckles. "What do you care?" I scoff. Well he does have a point, I don't care but as it is people don't respect women as it is and I wouldn't want Lacy to have another reason for people to make fun of her.

"Lacy get down!" I scream as I walked up to the table where she was at. She shakes her head and  then she takes her bra off. I gasp and got on the table and covered her. "Are you insane?" She grins. "You do care," she says in a super slurred tone.

I see her shirt on the table and I tried to put it on her but she started to shove me. "I don't want it!" She screams and pushes me making me lose my balance. I scream and I fall of the table. Im preparing myself for the hard landing but instead I feel arms around me.

I look up and its Killian, he's the one that caught me. I stare at him and damn he is so good looking. "You ok?" I nod. He smiles down at me and boy do I feel like time stopped. We hear more shouting and that causes us to stop staring at each other. We both look up and Lacy is almost naked. We both gasp and I jump off of his arms.

"Seriously, you let her do this?" He screams at me and I scoff. "Why the hell is this my fault?" He scoffs and manages to take Lacy off of the table. He puts the shirt on Lacy but she continues to fuss. That's when she passes out.

Killian picks her up and takes her back to her place. I wait for Killian outside Lacy's house. "Is she ok?" He nods. "Good." That's when  Killian coughs. "I would like to apologize for earlier." I crossed my arms and nodded. "Lacy was telling me you tried to stop her but she just didn't listen." I nod. "Im not that mean and stuck up." He nods. "Well Ill go on my way." I turned around and started to walk to the courthouse cell.

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