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Chapter 9

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I turn it off and I sit at the edge of my bed. I really don't know why I have it set like that if I literally don't have anything to look forward to here well then again now I do. Emma is the person I'm looking forward in seeing today.

Last night I was so tired with helping one of the townsfolk with their car that I just knocked out. I walked to the bathroom to freshen up. I passed by Emma's room and knocked. "Hey Emma, just wanted to let you know that I will be making breakfast soon."

There was no answer, she's probably still asleep, or she may be upset. Don't get me wrong I wanted to kiss her as well but I didn't. I knocked again and there was no answer. I moved the door knob and I opened it. I looked inside and it was empty. I sighed, maybe she's outside working. Then it hit me none of her things are here.

I gasped. I ran back to my garage and couldn't find her car keys. I ran outside and her car was gone but the road was finished. I'm sure she worked nearly all night to finish it. My heart was broken, could it be that I didn't mean anything to her? But then again she is a model, and I am but a simple mechanic.

That's when I see Lacy sitting by the curve. I walk up to her and she's in tears. "What's wrong?" She sighs. "I thought miss Emma and I were pals but she done left." I sigh. "I guess her dream of winning that darn competition is worth more than us." I sigh again.

It didn't seem right, I thought we were good. That's when Lacy stands up and sighs. "I need to go for a walk." I nod. She then looks back at me. "I'm really sorry Killian, I know you had some affection towards her." I nod. She then walks away. That's when everyone walks out and is amazed with the road.

I sighed again that's when murmurs go around about Emma's whereabouts. That's when Mrs. Banks shows up and she has a smile on her face. "Where is Emma?" I sigh. "She left." She smiles. "Good." I give her a confused look.

Why is she insisting on her leaving so quickly. "Why don't you like her?" She scoffs. "Mind your own business Killian," she says and walks away. I shake my head. I look out at the horizon and sighed. Just when life started to get better this happens.

That's when I see a car in the distance, was it Emma's? Once it got closer I was able to see that it was indeed Emma's. Why did she come back? She parks the car to side and rushes out. She comes and hugs me. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left." I smiled hard and hugged her back.

I back away and pretend like having her back didn't mean anything to me. "Why are you back?" She sighs. "I just needed a reminder that I could be happy here." I smiled. "And this little town could make you happy?" She looked around and nodded. I smile again.

"How about we have a  party tonight?" That's when Lacy comes back and hugs Emma. "I knew you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." Emma hugs her back. "I'm not leaving I'm staying here," Emma says with a big smile. Everyone smiles.

"Yes so that means we will have a party, we need food, drinks, music, lights, all that." I smile seeing Emma so happy. That's when Lacy sighs. "But the lights don't work out here." Emma smiles again. "Leave that up to me." Everyone walks away and Emma makes her way towards my shop.

She then turns around and gives me a smirk. "Are you just going to stand there or will you come and help me?" I was so confused but I liked this new Emma. She seemed more calm but, is she really staying here for good? I followed her into my shop and she gathered up some tools.

"Emma are you really staying?" She nods. "So you just threw away your dream of winning?" She smiles. "Yeah, even though I love modeling I know I can also be happy here." I smile. That's when I see that her shirt got greasy. I go and grab one of my shirts and handed it to her.

She smiles and nods. "Thanks, and do you happen to have a pair of old greasy jeans?" I smile. "I do but they might fit you a tad big." She smiles. "It's ok I'll make sure they're on super tight, wouldn't want anyone to see me," she says with a smirk and I smile and returned that smirk.

I go and grab an old pair of jeans and hand them to her. Emma nods then gets changed. I wait for her outside and she walks out with my tools. She smiles as she puts her hair in a ponytail. "So time to get our hands dirty, show me where the electrical control panels are at?" I gave her a shocked look.

She laughs. "I'm a show you my handsome mechanic, how girls down south actually get it done," she says with the most adorable southern accent ever. I smiled and nodded. "Can't wait to see doll." She smiles.

"I'll get this place up and running by the evening Killian, you'll see." I smile. "I'm sure you will." She smiles again and we walk down to get a fix on this town.

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