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Chapter 23

There we were, laying down holding the lifeless body of our newborn. Two hours had passed and we did not want to let go of our little Liam. Killian parts from me as the doctor comes to take Liam away. I shake my head as I held my baby boy even closer to me.

"Mrs Jones....." I shake my head again. That's when I see Liam slightly yawn. I gasp. "He yawned." Everyone turned towards me. "What?" I heard the doctor say. I smiled. "He yawned." The doctor sighs. "Sometimes babies have reflexes..." I continued to cry.

"Can you Please check him..." The doctor nods. I give Liam to him and he goes to the table and checks him. He gasps and rushes out. Nurses come in with an incubator and they rush out with Liam. I tried to sit up but I couldn't I was in so much pain.

"Killian find out what's going on." He nods and rushes out. I laid there and I'm in so much pain, not only physically but emotionally. That's when Sebastian walks into the room. I guess I hadn't seen when he walked out.

"Oh my Emma, you ok?" I start to cry. "Why is this happening?" He sighs and sits by me. He caresses my cheek and sighs again. "It's life Emma, unfair things happen all the freaking time." I nod as I lean against him. That's when Killian rushes back in. "Liam seems to be breathing, they took him to the NICU to check on him."

I smiled like never before. "Holding him worked Killian." He smiled and nods. I look up at Sebastian and he smiled down at me. "It seems that your little boy will be spending his life with all of you." I smiled like crazy as he wipes my tears. I hear a cough and I look at Killian. "Sebastian thank you for taking care of Emma but seeing as her husband is here she doesn't need you." I scoff.

"Be nice Killian, Sebastian is my friend." Killian crosses his arms over his chest and scoffs. Sebastian nods. "Let me know if you need anything Emma." I smile and nod. "Thank you for everything." He smiles and nods. He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

"Why was he here?" Killian asks with a mad look on his face. "He brought me here because I started to bleed Killian, I was exhausted from the show and hurt by the news of you..." He sighs. "Emma I can explain." I sigh, I really did not want to hear him but I love him so damn much that I have to.

He went ahead and told me everything, and let me say I was in shock that this Milah person decided it was ok to want to sleep with a married man. I was still upset because the whole world thinks that he cheated on me. I sat there quietly.

"Emma I didn't cheat on you, she was a lunatic wanting to sleep with me." I nod. "Why did you go out with her for drinks if she was your ex?" He sighs. "I thought we could be friends, I mean she's my secretary..." I gave him a weird look.

"She's your secretary?" He nods. I sigh. "Isn't that something that I should have known before?" He sighs. "You didn't tell me about the past between you and Sebastian, so I didn't feel it was necessary to tell you about Milah and I." I sigh. "Well I guess we both screwed up for keep things from our past a secret." He nods.

"So you and Sebastian never kissed or anything like that?" I shook my head. "You know better than that Killian, I love you and no one else." He sighs. "I'm sorry it's just seeing you so happy with Sebastian made me upset and jealous." I sigh. "You know I only care about your happiness, even if it means not being at your side."

"Oh Killian, I love you and all this did hurt me, how about once we know what happens with our babies we continue this talk..." He nods. "As you wish my love." I smiled and laid down because I wasn't feeling to good. That's when the doctor walked back in. Killian walked over to where he was at.

"Did they make it?" I softly ask as I feel myself drifting away. The doctor nods. "Hope is in her incubator and her chances of surviving are excellent." I smiled and so did Killian. "Liam is alive, he's in a worse condition than his sister but we will keep monitoring him." I nod.

"Are his chances of survival good?" He nods. "Yes he doesn't have any deformities he's just premature." I smile, "but you need to rest," he says as I slowly fall asleep.

Killian's POV
The doctor finished checking Emma and then he injects something into her IV. "She needs to rest, she lost a lot of blood." I nod. "Can I see my babies?" The doctor nods. I follow him but first I had to put on scrubs, gloves and a mask. We walked into one of the NICU rooms and I see four little babies in there.

I follow the doctor and he shows me where Liam and Hope are at. I walk up to Hope first. I look inside and she's sound asleep. She looked so beautiful, my little princess. "She will be able to be released in a couple of days." I smile as I hear the doctor say this.

I walk on over to where Liam is at. He had more wires attached to him than Hope. My poor little boy, I can't imagine how he must be feeling right now. "He will have to stay longer though." I nod. My heart hurt so much for both my babies, because of me they were born before their due date.

I just hope that we all make it safely back to Paris and then get on with our lives.

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