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Chapter 10

Emma fixed everything and my God did she leave me speechless. She definitely knew her stuff, and she even managed to help everyone around the town. Everyone was extremely happy except one person, Mrs. Bank, I don't know why but I didn't want to bug her anymore with pointless questions that ended in an argument.

I'm not going to let her bad mood ruin our excitement for tonight's party. I look outside and I see everything is already set up, which means it's time to get ready. As I was getting ready in my shop all I could think about was Emma. I'm going to take advantage of tonight and make her feel loved by everyone not just me.

I just hope we don't get interrupted like last time.

Emma's POV
"Alright Emma, it's all done." Four says as he wipes down my back. I get up and stared at my back tattoo. "Mmmm girl, you will drive Killian insane with that." Ruby says to me with a huge smirk. I smile. "I hope so." She smiles and that's when Lacy walks in. "Hey there Emma, I got you this dress, I don't know if you will like it but it's a gift." I look at it and it's a red backless dress.

"It's so beautiful." She smiles. "I know Killian will go crazy like a hurricane flying over the east coast." Everyone laughs. "I hope so." She smiles. "Ok so in 20 minutes the whole party will start." I nod at Ruby. "You still look mighty fine." I smile.

"Thanks for everything." She shakes her head. "No thank you, I mean if it wasn't for your little mishap our little town would still be a dead zone." I smile.

Time passes by and it's time for it to start. I turn on the lights as everyone made their way to the center of the town. This honestly reminded me of the old days but also reminded me of the runway. I turned on the music and everyone started to dance.

I see Lacy having fun, then I see Ruby dancing with Four. I smiled but there was someone I have not yet seen, and that's Killian. That's when I hear a familiar voice. "Nice tattoo." I turned around and smiled. "You're here." He nods. "Everything looks awesome." I smile.

"I'm happy you like it." He then extends his hand out. "Care to dance?" I smile and nod as I take his hand. We walk to the dance floor and we start to dance. That's when everyone joins in and we all start to dance. I see everyone having fun from Granny, to Leroy to Ruby to Lacy, everyone from around town was having fun.

That's when Killian and I decided to go get a couple of drinks, but nothing too strong because I wanted to enjoy this night. We go and sit at a table and just admired the view. "Everyone looks so happy." I nod at Killian. "Good that's what I wanted." He smiles.

Then I sigh when it hit me that I helped everyone have a good time except one person, Mrs. Banks. Killian gives me a concerned look. "What's wrong?" I sigh again. "Mrs. Banks..." He scoffs. "Don't worry about her, she's got her own problems." I nod, was now a good time to tell him about who she really is?

"Well Killian I might know..." That's when Lacy walks over to us. "Come on Killian, the DJ is playing our classic dance, the cha cha slide." I smile as Killian looks at me. I nod. "Go have fun." He nods as he gets up and follows Lacy on to the dance floor.

The music starts and they all start doing the dance moves, it was so cute to see Killian and Lacy having so much fun. I was happy that I decided to stay after all, although I don't think I can hide forever because I do have a contract, my publicist and manager will have me arrested if I don't finish the competition.

I tried to ease my mind of those thoughts so I could enjoy the rest of this night.

Time passed and it was nearly 2am when people started to go home, lights were shutting off and the music died down. Lacy was already passed out as was Ruby and four. Killian and I made our way back to the shop to go get some sleep. I took off my heels and that's when I see Killian by the door.

"Thanks again Emma." I smile. "Enough with the Thank you's." He smiles as he walks up to me. He looks at me and smiles. He lightly touches my back, and stares at my lips. "This dress looks so amazing on you." I smile and blush. "Well you looked rather dashing in your outfit as well." He smiles then leans in close to me.

We are inches apart and I could feel his breath. Yes I was finally going to kiss him, I hope no one interrupt us, and to my luck no one did. Killian starts to kiss me and boy does it drive me crazy; in a matter of seconds he deepens the kiss. He pushes me against the bed making me fall, he hovers over me and continues to kiss me.

I start to pull on his shirt and he pulls back. "You sure?" I smile, he is always so caring, but I know for a fact that I want to have my way with him. I nod. "I'm so sure and don't worry Im on the pill." He smiles as he unbuttons his shirt. I get up and un zip my dress, in a matter of seconds we are both laying on top of the bed without anything on.

He starts to kiss my neck and I'm loving it. "I can't wait to make you mine Miss Swan," he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I didn't know if we were moving to fast but it all felt right. All I know is that I have a feeling that this thing I'm feeling about Killian isn't just a mere hook up.

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