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Chapter 22

I'm calling Emma like crazy but she doesn't answer. I'm trying to see if I can get someone who knows Emma from there that I also know. I sigh, the only one is Sebastian but I don't want to talk to him. I make my way out the hotel and that's when my phone goes off. I see the caller ID and it's Sebastian. I gasp, why the hell is he calling me?

"Yes hello?"

"Killian thank God you answered."

"What is it Sebastian, you trying to tell me that you'll love Emma more because of this scandal?" I could hear him scoff.

"I loved her before you came into her life but that's not why I'm calling." I scoff.

"Then why are you calling?"

"It's Emma..."  My heart skipped a beat.

"What happened?"

"I just took her to the hospital, she's bleeding." My heart sank when I hear him say this.

"What happened?"

"Just come, she might lose the babies." My heart broke.

"Ok I'll be there in 3 hours."

"Please hurry." I hang up and packed a small suitcase. No, this cannot be happening. She can't be losing our babies. I grab my suitcase and made my way to the airport.

Emma's POV
I'm laying in the hospital bed and I'm scared as can be. I see Sebastian walk back in, "were you able to call the clients?" He nods. "Of course Beautiful." I smile and nod. That's when the doctor walks in. "Mrs Jones, we need to deliver the babies." I shake my head, "they're too tiny."

He sighs. "If we deliver them through c-section they might survive in an incubator." I start to cry. "Why did I start to bleed?" He sighs. "Well it's not out of the norm for this to happen but usually strong emotions trigger things like this."

Sebastian looks at me and sighs. "We will be doing the operation in 3 hours." I nod. "Will they be ok waiting that long?" He nods. "You are here in the hospital ma'am, they will be fine." I smile and nod. Sebastian walks up to me and wipes my tears.

"If anything happens during the operation please pick the babies, not me." Sebastian starts to cry. "Emma..." I grab his hand, "promise me." He nods and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "Ok." I smile and tried to relax.

Time passes by and it's time to get my babies delivered. As soon as they start to prep me to take me to the OR I get another sharp pain. I scream out and the nurse checks me. "Ma'am you're fully dilated." I gasp. "What does that mean?" She runs out of the room.

The doctor rushes back inside and checks me. He gasps. "Mrs Jones, it's too late to do a c section you will have to deliver them here." I start to panic. "No I can hurt them..." They push my bed back and start to bring everything to the room so I can deliver them here. I start to panic.

I look at Sebastian and he smiles. How it killed me that Killian wasn't here with me. This isn't what I wanted, I wanted to give birth back home. I wanted my mom with me, Lacy, Ruby, Everyone I loved with me. That's when I feel a contraction, "Ok I need you to push," the doctor says and I nod.

My God, it hurt like hell. I scream and then relaxed. Another contraction comes and I'm told to push again. That's when I hear a little cry. "It's your baby girl." I smile as I see them taking Hope into the incubator. "Ok we still have your little boy to deliver." I nod.

I get a contraction and that's when I see Killian walk into the room. I was filled with anger and love. I scream as I push. "My Love I'm here," he softly says and I give Sebastian a death glare. "You called him?" Sebastian nods. "He needed to be here Emma." I smile at him.

That's when I get another contraction and I push again. "You're doing great love." I scoff. "Shut up Killian!" I scream and that's when I feel relief, but I don't hear a cry this time. The doctor goes and takes Liam to check him. "Emma who did you deliver first?" "Hope, and the one the doctor took is Liam." He nods. That's when the doctor walks back to us.

They rush Hope out of here in the incubator but they don't do the same with Liam. He walks back with the him wrapped in a blanket. "Your little boy didn't make it." My heart sank, "What do you mean?" I ask as my lips started to quiver. "He's not breathing."

"Then give him oxygen, please save him!" I cry out. He shakes his head. "He was a still born, that's why you were bleeding." I cry out even louder this time. He hands me Liam and I'm tears. I look up and Killian is in tears as well.

No, how is it possible that I just lost Liam, my little boy didn't make it. I look down at him and he had black hair. My heart hurt as I caressed his little cheek. I kissed his forehead and placed him on my chest. Killian laid beside me and we both hugged our little boy.

Life is not fair, why did my boy have to die? He didn't even get a chance to meet his parents or his sister. I'm crying and crying like never before. It is not fair that he had to pay the price for our mistakes. I don't know how I will be able to continue on with my life knowing I'm the reason why our little Liam is dead.

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