6. Fuck You

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Last call finally rolls around and I'm finally fucking free. I throw my apron onto the counter and wave everyone goodbye. I grab my things from my locker and take the time to think if I should let Dallas take me home. I go through the list in my head:

1. You need a ride.
2. You need a ride.
3. You need a ride.

Okay, so not they're not the greatest reasons, but I really did have no other way of going home. Lisa was supposed to take me home, but from the way she's basically dry humping the guy by the bar I'd say Dallas was my only saving grace. Plus, the uncertainty of Dallas' feelings was nagging me. I push my out the door through the bar stragglers to find him.

Damn you, Lisa. It was easier when I thought he was just an asshole, now she got me all fucked up.

I walk out onto the parking lot to find him leaning against his truck, his arms and ankles crossed. It's a little dark, but I swear I see him smile when he sees me.

"Hey", I say. "Still offering that ride?"

He just nods and motions to the passenger door. I can feel his eyes on me as I'm about to climb inside. I look up to meet his gaze. His eyes looked like they wanted to say something, but he just stands there. I could feel some tension in the air, so I decided to break the silence even though I wasn't sure what I was going to say. "So—"

"We should get going", he interrupts me before pushing himself off the car. He jumps in and starts the truck while I stand there for a second, bewildered. This guy was really hard to read and it drove me insane.

The drive to the shop was uncomfortably quiet. Dallas had his eyes locked on the road and hadn't said a word to me since we started driving. I sat for a while, fidgeting with my fingers until I finally couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"So, do you like working at the shop?"

No answer.

"Where are you from?"

No answer.

"I just assume you're from out of town since Luciole is pretty small and I've never seen you around before".

More deafening silence.

"Have you ever seen the fireflies here? We're known for them, you know... that's why there's all the tourists".

No answer.

Okay, this guy's clearly the life of the party.

The more I pushed, the more he seemed to crawl deeper into himself. His silence obviously made it clear that he wasn't big on sharing things about himself. Most people would've probably taken it personally, but I knew from experience that people who don't like talking about themselves meant they've been through a lot of shit. I knew this because I couldn't talk about my mom for a long time and still really couldn't without bawling like a baby.

"I can tell you don't like questions, so I'm not going to push you. Ever since my mom passed away, I don't like sharing much about myself either", I say as I stare out the window.

"New Orleans", he whispers. "I'm from New Orleans. I lean back in my seat, satisfied with his answer.



I don't know what it is that she said, but whatever it was resonated with me. I'd never opened up to anyone but Sam and although small, I shared a detail about myself with someone I barley knew. It was unfamiliar and new, but it was okay.

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