15. Thomas

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She fell asleep for a little bit on the way home. I didn't blame her, she must've been so exhausted and traumatized from what happened tonight. I finally pull into the parking lot of our apartment and nudge her to wake up. "Sky", I whisper as I lightly tap her shoulder. "We're home".

She mumbles something under her breath and rubs the sleep away from her eyes. "Okay", she mumbles she slowly climbs out of the truck. She still seems half asleep, so I grab her hand to hold her up. As I guide her up the steps, I realize that this is the first time I'd ever held her hand. It was soft and warm and I only regretted that I hadn't done it sooner.

We reach my door and I wrap my arm around her waist as I unlock the door. Even after being rolled in the dirt, her hair still smelled like mangoes as she pressed her head against my shoulder. We walk into my bedroom and I sit her down on the bed. I walk to the bathroom, place a fresh towel down on the sink, and run the bath water.

I walk back to retrieve Sky and bring her into the bathroom. I sit her down on the edge of the bathtub. "Here", I say as I motion to the towel. "I brought you a towel and the bath is warm, you probably want to get yourself cleaned up." She just smiles at me weakly and seeing her like this breaks my heart.

I begin walking out, letting her be when she grabs my wrist to keep me from leaving. I turn to her and she has a pleading look in her eyes. "Don't go", she whispers to me. "I don't want to be alone".

She doesn't have to say any more as I give her an understanding nod. I take her hands in mine, lifting her up off the edge of the bath. I brush the matted hair away from her face and gently place a kiss on her forehead. I take her face in my hands and look her in the eyes. This sharp emeralds had dulled into a soft green and a sadness glossed over them.

She gives me a small nod and I carefully begin removing her shirt. My fingers hitch under the hem of her top and I gently slide it off over her. I notice some bruising around her ribs and her stomach. I slowly bend down and leave kisses on each one. I unbutton her shorts and they fall to ground. I find more bruises around her thighs and I kiss them too. I hold her hand as she carefully dips herself into the bathtub, slowly lowering herself until her body submerges under the warm water.

She sits down with her knees up to her chest as I grab the loofah off the hook and dip into the water. I lather some soap and very gingerly smooth over the surface of her skin. I continue to do this as we both sit in comfortable silence.


I leave her to dry off as I walk into the bedroom. I'm in the middle of pulling my shirt over my head when I heard her step out of the bathroom. I throw my shirt onto the floor and noticed she was walking towards me now. My breath hitches as I take a step back. It's not that I didn't want her near me, but she had been through a lot and I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself around her.

I take a step back for every step she takes forward until my back hits the computer desk behind me. The dullness from her eyes was slowly fading away, revealing the glint that hid behind them.

"What are you doing?", I whisper as she brings her face close to mine. She wraps her arms around my neck and places a gentle kiss on my lips. Her touch was electrifying, coursing through my veins. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as she moves her lips to my ear.

"I want to forget", she whispers softly. It was a desperate and deliberate tone. As soon as those words left her mouth, I knew that this is what she wanted. Needed.



Dallas softly lands his lips on mine and I close my eyes in bliss. Without a second thought, I wrap my arms around his neck as my hands run through thickets of his disheveled hair. His hands travel all over my body as I open my mouth further to invite his tongue in as he deepens the kiss. Our tongues intertwine as his hands now firmly grip at my waist. He presses his hard body onto mine as he gently lays me down onto the bed. His kisses are still gentle, but become more frantic now as if he can no longer hold in his desires. He made me feel wanted, like he couldn't get enough of me. The hurriedness of it all and the need to feel all of him quickly had the liquid heat pooling between my thighs.

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