11. 2AM

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Just wanted to say thank you to those that put me on their reading lists! I'm so happy you guys like the new book. As a token of my appreciation, I will try my HARDEST to pump out as many chapters as fast as I can :)



I quickly finish my closing duties at the bar, rushing through the checklist.

"Whoa, slow down, Tiger!", Lisa says, raising her brows at me in suspicion. "What's the rush?"

"W-what? Sorry, just got a lot to do.", I stutter trying to hide my flustering. I know Lisa can see right through me. As I'm hastily putting the stools up over the bar top, Lisa slides over from the other side of the bar until she's right next to me, her back leaning against the bar.

"You got a lot to do? At 2am? Or do you have someone to do?", She's interrogating me, knowing I'll eventually cave in if she bothers me enough. I save her and myself the trouble as I put up the last barstool.

I slap my hands down by my sides in defeat. "Okay, I'm going over to Dallas' place tonight, so don't wait up for me", I finally confess.

Lisa looks surprised, but intrigued like she knew something I didn't. "What now!?", I whine.

Lisa just laughs at my flustering. "I'm just surprised you're seeing him, I swear I saw you talking to Henny tonight", she says coyly.

Damn it, Lisa. Why do you always know more than you should!?

I blow out a sigh. "He asked me out on a date". I look to her, waiting for a reaction.

She smiles. "Sky, that's great! Henny's such a nice guy". She's still smiling, but her voice tells me something else.

"But?", I push her. I know there's a 'but' coming, I can see it in her face.

"Henny really is a great guy", she defends herself. "He's sweet and a real gentleman". She's rambling now, avoiding the 'but'.

"But!?", I narrow my eyes at her, hands on my hips.

"But", she sighs. You know how the last good guy turned out. He cheated on you, he dumped you—"

"Yeah, but I was okay with that. He wasn't—"

"That's the problem, Sky!", Lisa raises her voice in frustration now. "The problem was that you were okay with him cheating on you and dumping you, can't you see? Those kinds of guys, Sky, they bore you. You're so damn afraid of change that even after Charlie dumps you, you try to find someone just like him!" She blows out a sigh. "Sky, you're my best friend and I love you, but you gotta stop being scared. Your mom—"

"Shut up, Lisa!", I shout. I wince at the sound of her mentioning my mom. "Don't bring my mom into this, it has nothing to do with her".

Lisa places her hands on both my arms. "It has everything to do with her, can't you see that!? Ever since she died, you've been so scared of moving on. You haven't changed a damn thing about your life since, you haven't even cut your hair because you're so damn scared it like you're trying to hold onto your mom. But she's gone, Sky! She's been gone and you gotta live your life! Your mom would hate to see you so complacent!"

I could take it anymore. Her words were piercing through me like a knife and rendering me speechless. All I could do was pull away from her grip and run out to my car. I don't know how long I sat there for, but I sat and I cried. I cried all the tears I've been holding onto for six long years. I cried and cried until I couldn't make anymore tears. I could see Lisa run outside and try to approach my car, but I could bear to see her face. I was so mad at her, but I didn't know if I was angry at her for what she said or because I knew it was the truth. I shove the key into the ignition and screech out of the me parking lot, leaving Lisa far behind me.

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