21. Exhale

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Sam's words had been playing and replaying in my head ever since I got back to my apartment. I've been laying in bed for what seemed like hours, conflicted with my wants and her wants.

I knew deep down in my soul she was the one I was meant to be with, but I knew should would never feel the same again.

This girl showed you that you could love someone and love yourself. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But she showed you that you have potential to get there. I think that's pretty amazing, don't you?

I climb out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom. My hands grip the sides of the sink from habit as I stare into the mirror.

Breathe. I turn away.

This time I can't even look at myself.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings.



I draw in a deep, deep breath and held it.

I was standing in front of his door, unsure if I wanted to knock on it. Not that I didn't want to, but I was scared. I was scared that my rejection only turned him away from me, that he'd never be able to look at me the same or recover from it.

Exhale. Had I broken an already broken man to the point of no hope? Maybe I should go, he's probably not even home.

I turn on my heel to walk away and suddenly I can hear the door click open behind me. I just stand there, frozen. I could feel his presence behind me.

I close my eyes and suck in last deep breath. Well, it's too late now. You gotta go through with it. I reluctantly turn around and face him.

I'm met with those damn electric blue eyes again and oh, how much I've missed them. My heart twisted up inside me noticing the same sadness in his eyes the night I left him alone. He had bags under them, dark like he hadn't slept for days. His stubble was a little fuller than usual and his face was pale as if he'd been hoarding himself inside.

But he was still so beautiful.

He doesn't say a word, he just stands with his eyes wide with surprise.

"Can I come in?", I ask. He doesn't say anything. He takes a second, unsure. He finally nods and steps aside to let me through.

We stand in the middle of the living room in awkward silence for a moment.

"Why are you here?", Dallas breaks the silence, his hands in his pockets.

I bite my bottom lip, trying to find the right words to say. I had so many things I wanted to tell him, but everything got jumbled in my head the moment I saw his face. I wish I could just kiss him and everything would just go away, but I knew better than that. I out of all people should know how avoidance would only make things worse.

I stood here, in his living room, knowing that whatever happened in this moment would change everything. I could feel the fear creep up as a lump in the back of my throat. I could feel the voices in my head tell me change was too scary, but I told it to shut up. My regret of going through life without Dallas was worse than the fear of change now.

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