Rebel Briefing

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Luke and I are pulled away from our intense conversation by Artoo trundling over the uneven, boggy ground, bleeping at us.

"Something about a message?" I confer, and he swivels his head, beeping positively. I turn to Luke and Obi-Wan. "I'll be back in a sec."

I follow Artoo back to Luke's X-Wing, pulling myself up onto the wing and leaning into the cockpit. I'm met with a number of flashing lights and buzzing noises, and I hesitate before pressing on what I assume to be the correct button for the transmission. It's been a while since I've piloted an X-Wing.

It turns out to be the right one, and I'm met with a transmission from Leia, her voice making me feel ever so slightly uneasy given what Luke and I have just learned.

"The majority of the Rebel fleet has now assembled, there are only a few more fighters and transports scheduled to be moving in. The briefing is scheduled to begin soon - Mon Mothma and General Madine want to get this operation underway as soon as possible - so, if possible, I recommend that you start making your way to the rendezvous. I hope all is well."

"Who was it?" Luke calls, and I lean out of the cockpit so I can see him.

"Leia. The fleet is nearly assembled, and she wants us back as soon as possible," I reply, hopping down from the wing. "Mon Mothma wants to initiate the plan."

He nods, glancing over his shoulder to Obi-Wan, who's still sitting on the felled log. "I think I'm gonna stay a bit longer..."

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

He shakes his head. "No. I..." He pauses, glancing around again. He's clearly uneasy, his mind reeling. "I need to be alone for a while."

I nod, offering up a supportive smile. "I'll be a transmission away," I say, trying to lighten the mood.

He smiles back, though he's still clearly in pain. I can see it in his bright blue eyes. "Yeah..."

To break the awkward silence, I step forward, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. "Don't be too long."

"I won't," he replies, his strong arms holding me back. "I love you."

"I love you," I whisper, pressing my lips against his cheek, and we pull apart. "I'll see you soon."

"Stay safe," he tells me as I head over to my ship, unlocking the back door and lowering the ramp.

I give him a nod. "You too," I reply, heading up into my ship, letting out a deep breath as I lift the ramp behind me and head into the cockpit.

The dash suddenly begins beeping, the sign of another incoming transmission, and I accept it as I begin the take-off cycle, booting up the thrust and slowly lifting from the boggy ground.


"Hey Dex, how's it goin'?" I ask through a smile as I lift the landing gear, carefully manoeuvring my way through the twisted branches above.

"Just checking you guys are okay and you got Leia's transmission. Madine and Mothma are very keen to get started."

"Yeah, I got it," I reply, blasting out of the atmosphere. "Luke needs some time to himself so he won't be back for a little while, but I'm heading back. Could you send me the coordinates please?"

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now