Fears coming true

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Today's your lucky day because I am uploading 2 chapters today (mostly because I forgot to post one yesterday...oh well). I have finally finished exams for school WAHOO! But I'm still at school for like another week, BOO! I'm glad that you've been so understanding and patient with this story and I can't express the gratitude to you all.

Anyhoo (is that even how people spell it?), enjoy the chapters.

Kion leads the guard on their usual patrol route. He noticed Fuli walking by herself behind the group. Kion wondered why she wasn't walking beside him like she usually does.
'Hey Fuli, you ok?' He asks through thought.
'Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?'
'You seem really quiet and look like you have something on your mind.'
'I do? Maybe it's from not enough sleep.'
'Well, after patrol we'll go back to the lair to rest.'
'I'm not THAT tired and you worry too much.'
'Ok, if you say so.'
Ono flies in front of the guard.
"Guys! Janja is attacking Jasiri and the Cubs in the Outlands!" He panics.
'Oh no.' Fuli thought (to herself).
"We gotta help them. Till the Pridelands end!" Yells Kion.
"Lion guard defend!" The others continue.

They make it to the Outlands and they find Janja pinning Jasiri and Cheezi and Chungu holding the Cubs. The Cubs whimper in fear.
"Jasiri!" They cry.
"Hold on!" Replies Jasiri.
"HAHA! We got you now Jasiri!" Laughs Janja.
Kion and the guard jump out from behind the rocks and take on the hyenas by surprise.
"What the? Kion?" Asks Janja.
Kion shoves Janja off Jasiri and pins him down.
"You got that right." Says Kion proudly.
Bunga, Beshte and Ono handle the rest of the hyenas while Fuli takes on Cheezi and Chungu to protect the cubs.
"Get out of here!" She orders.
The Cubs hind behind Fuli.
"Don't hurt us!" Cries Cheezi and he and Chungu run away.
"Yay Fuli!" Cheer the Cubs.
"Let's get out here!" Yells Janja.
Janja leads his pack back to the volcano.
"Thank you so much lion guard. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up." Says Jasiri giving Kion a hug and a nuzzle.
"You're welcome Jasiri." Replies Kion.
Fuli growls but not loud enough for anyone to hear her.
"I was thinking that the Cubs should learn how to defend themselves. I was hoping that they could learn a thing or two from the lion guard." Says Jasiri.
"Yay!" Cheers Wemu as she climbs onto Fuli's head.
"We will be the best fighters!" Cheers Tunu.
"I don't see why not." Says Fuli.
"How about they start tomorrow?" Asks Kion.
Jasiri nods. "Ok. Come along Cubs. I think that's enough adventure for one day. Bye lion guard. Bye Kion."
"Bye Jasiri." Says everyone.
They go back to the lair. For the entire journey back, Fuli could feel anger and jealously bubble inside her.

Clouded Mind part 1 #7Where stories live. Discover now