Resolve to rest

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Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

-Psalm 51:12

Have you ever thought about your New Year's Resolutions?

They often include things like loosing weight, quitting a bad habit, learning something new, getting out of debt, volunteering or eating healthier.

These are all wonderful goals, but there's one important item that's often overlooked when the clock strikes midnight and the year begins again.


Sometimes we get so busy improving our lives and ourselves that we forget we need rest. Even the Lord rested at the end of his week of creation.

As you ponder your resolutions, consider making this year about rest. Commit to spending quiet time with the Lord for 15minutes every morning.

Try to find 2 hours of free time every weekend to simply reflect, relax and rejuvenate. Instead of jetting around the world, why not spend your vacation at home?

Rest is NOT laziness, nor is it for the fainthearted; it is necessary. Rest is within your reach, and it can be yours this year.

Prayer : Father God, as I begin another year, will You show me how to rest anew?

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