Rest for the Sabbath

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Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

—Psalm 62:5

Sunday is commonly known as a day of rest. It's a day to stop work, be with family, and enjoy time away from the office/or school.

But how many of us actually treat this day like a Sabbath?

For many families, Sunday mornings are full of rushing: trying to get the kids dressed and out the door, trying to get to church on time, and all the while, feeling a bit frazzled.

What would it take to make your Sundays less stressful and more celebratory?

Maybe you need a break from laundry, making meals, or checking off to-do lists.

Perhaps you want a leisurely morning with pancakes in pajamas before church.

Whatever feels the most restful, try to find a way to make it part of your day this Sunday.

Let your soul breathe and your shoulders un-tense.

This is a day the Lord had made; rejoice, be glad, and celebrate this day in rest.

Prayer : Quiet my heart and mind today, Lord. Help me honor You in this day of rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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