Rest from a Picture Perfect Life

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What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labour under the sun?

—Ecclesiastes 2:22

Social media can be fun, but it also can be harmful.

If you find yourself trying to match your life to what you see online, your efforts will be futile, dear Friend.

Whether it's on Facebook or Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter, these are only snapshots and sound bites of another's life.

They may truly be representative of only one minute out of someone's day.

If you're trying to make your life look picture-perfect, take a rest.

Instead of seeing yourself through the lens of someone else's camera, experience your life.

It may be messy, broken, tear-stained, and tough. But there are also moments that make you laugh out loud and shout with joy, holy moments that that remain engraved in your mind forever.

It's your life, your family, and your home- in all its glorious imperfection.

Walk away from the pressure of a picture-perfect life, and find rest. You'll be Glad you did.

Prayer : Remind me, Jesus, that this life is really about loving and pleasing You today.

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