Rest from Expectations

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Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. — Lamentations 3:22-23

Now that all the New Year celebrations have been Long gone & fizzled out, a new year began merely a few months ago.

Life can seem a little less fresh due to all the different situations that 'Life' decided to throw at us.

Have you perhaps broken your New Year's resolution within the first few days of 2018?

The gym seems impossible at 6am, that chocolate was a little too tempting, or you're simply too busy to take a break from being busy.

What about the present time? What about right now? Are there issues you are dealing with that seems IMPOSSIBLE to get through?

Maybe you've spoken harshly to your family too many times. Or perhaps you've already had several disappointments come your way.

A brand-new start can feel wonderfully shiny and new until you realise that, in many ways, a new year is less of a beginning and more of a continuation.

Even if you're already disappointed in this year, be encouraged. God's mercies are new every morning, and our slates are wiped clean every day. Release those expectations from your clenched fists and start anew- today, tomorrow and the next day.

Prayer : God, help me to be gracious with myself, just as You are gracious with me.

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