Rest in Winter

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I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

—Philippians 4:12

Each season brings something new. Spring is full of crocus buds and robins, summer slips in with bright sunshine and Swimming, fall brings armfuls of colourful leaves, and winter bursts with holidays and snow days.

Whether you love the cooler winter temperatures or can't wait until the thermometer reads ninety, it's important to find rest in each season.

Often the busyness of the holidays, the pull of a million different obligations, and the limit of twenty-four hours in a day can get in the way of a restful winter.

Allow yourself to rest this winter. Take a walk in the brisk air, sit by the fireplace with a cup of coffee, take a hot bath, or read a book underneath a pile of blankets.

Winter is a time to rest and rejuvenate. While it's cold outside, embrace the rest you find in the warmth and comfort of your home.

Prayer : Lord, may the Winter be a season of true rest and refreshment instead of chaos and exhaustion.

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