Intentional Rest

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Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

—Luke 5:16

Rest doesn't just fall into your lap, and it won't tap you on your shoulder during a busy day.

Rest, more often than not, needs to be sought out. It needs to be carved into each day, week, and month, and it needs to be intentional.

Think about your daily schedule. Do you have a slot specifically for rest? You may have a time for doing school activities, work etc, but is the word rest a foreign concept?

Today's culture is busy. Your life is busy.

But that doesn't mean you cannot rest; it just needs to be added to your calendar. Just as you make time to see friends or go on a weekend getaway, rest needs tonne scheduled.

Try getting up 15 minutes earlier to sit in a quiet environment. Instead of browsing social media, take a walk outside and breathe deeply.

Seek rest and you will be rewardedmind, body , and soul.

Prayer : Lord, help me set aside time each day for rest, even when it seems impossible.

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