Rest from the List

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Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." —Isaiah 30:21

It's always a good feeling to fall into bed at the end of the day with your to-do list nearly checked off, laundry folded and put away, and desk free from clutter. Finishing the list feels good.

And it's good to focus and work hard, but not of you're obsessed with "the list."

If you're basing the quality of your day on the number of items checked off your list, that's not truly living. Take an occasional break from the list.

Let the grass go unmowed for a week. Skip making the bed. Leave work 5 minutes early to spend 5 minutes extra at home.

It might feel counterintuitive, but good things are often born from going against the grain.

Remind yourself that life isn't about a list. God won't be shaking His head if your day only consists of loving those around you.

Let yourself rest. The list will wait.

Prayer : Lord, help me focus more on loving You and doing my best —and doing less on the list.

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