Rest from Financial Worries

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"Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!"

Luke 12:24

The school or work week is over and the bills are coming in. Some are perhaps bigger than you were expecting, and as your read them, your spirited begins to deflate.

The soaring gas bill reflects your home's warmth during frigid temperatures, the credit card bill reminds you of the winter coats needed to keep your family warm, and the repair bill to fix your car's heating is cringe-worthy.

Are you worrying about finances?

Is your neck knotting with stress?

Remember, the Lord wants you to give Him EVERY burden and EVERY concern- from the biggest to the smallest.

Today, confess your worry to Him.

He is the ultimate Provider, and He promises to take care of His children.

Take a deep breath and remember that God wants you to be free from worry, even if your bank account looks bleak. Trust in Him.

Prayer : God, I put my trust in You, the Provider of all good things. You will not desert me.

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