Rest in True Friends

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A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes overs will be refreshed.

—Proverbs 11:25

Do you have any friends you are constantly trying to impress?

Are any friendships in your life based on performance and appearance rather than true acceptance?

If so, dear one, listen to these words: these are NOT true friends.

Friendships should feel like a safe place to bare your heart, and not a competition or audition.

If you're don't allow you to let your guard down and confess your flaws, and if they don't bring encouragement, then they may not be the type of friendships you need in your life.

You shouldn't need to strive for acceptance in friendships. They do take work and care, certainly, but you don't need to prove yourself time and time again.

True friends love you for who you are: they allow your heart to feel at rest.

Today, think of a Friend in your life who provides you with true rest, and thank the Lord for bringing them into your life.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for blessing me with
true friendships. May I never take them for

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