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     yuto was tucked in a corner of a packed house. he was sitting on the floor, his head pounding, praying he wouldn't get stepped on. he pushed his hand through his hair and stood up. if he could just find the bathroom, he could lock himself away for the rest of the night. he jumped after feeling a hand on his shoulder.

     "adachi! i didn't think i'd actually see you here!" hyunggu said, a large smile on his face. "you look like you could use a drink! what'll it be, my friend?"

     "bathroom." it was all yuto could seem to spit out. hyunggu laughed and gave him a push. confused, yuto continued in the direction he was sent. he kept his eyes glued to the floor. he was shivering and he felt like he might pass out. he was so freaked out he didn't realize what was in front of him until he collided with someone. he looked up and felt his heart stop.

     "change." he sputtered out. there, right in front of him, was the guy from the store. he raised his eyebrow at yuto. "you left your change."

     "i hope you kept it for me." the guy said. yuto nodded furiously. "follow me."

     he turned and began to walk away. anyone would have seen how potentially dangerous the situation was, but yuto followed him anyway. he smelled of distant cigarette smoke and lavender. an unlikely combination that kept him wanting more. he was ready for a wild ride, even if it only led to heartbreak.

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