Interview 1

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So I'm new at this whole interview thing. It's gonna be like an interview. The interviewers name is Kate. I don't know why but that's her name. Enjoy

Kate: So today we have Corbyn Besson, Jack Avery, Zach Herron, Jonah Marais, Daniel Seavey and Cyryn Johnson from BULLIED. First off, how is everyone?

Jonah: well I'm doing great. Today couldn't have gone any better.

Cyryn: yeah it's been pretty good. I think the author has had an amazing day because today is her birthday.

Zach: I think we've all had a great day.

Corbyn, Daniel, and Jack nod in agreement.

Kate: well let's get this thing started shall we? The first question is for Zach, Jack and Daniel. The user asks: Why don't they just stick up for Cy in front of Jonah? They literally out number him 4 to 1 and they clearly don't agree with him so why don't they just kick him out of the group?

Jack: well that's a great question. I believe that we are kinda afraid of what Jonah will do to us if we stick up for her. Even though we outnumber him he still has Shannon and she has the whole school on her side. So we're afraid of what will happen if we test Jonah.

Daniel: I'm not. I'm living on the risky edge of life. I'm defying Jonah's orders hehe.

Jonah: You're what?!

Daniel: the plot has already been planned so you can't do anything now. Get over it!

Jonah: I'm gonna have a word with the author. I'll be right back.

*Jonah gets up and walks out of room*

Zach: well back to the question, Jonah is basically our older brother. He's the mother figure of the group. So it's like when we talk back to our parents. We will get in trouble so not listening to Jonah is like not listening to your parents. We feel that we have to listen to him or we'll get in trouble. He is the leader. Nobody disobeys the leader.

Corbyn: I thought we were all equal?

Jack: Corbyn this isn't some fairytale

Corbyn: sorry for asking a question

Zach: we aren't here to ask questions, we're here to answer questions. Duh.

Corbyn: why are you guys ganging up on me?

Cyryn: it's okay bro, I gotchu.

Corbyn: it's good to know that someone's on my side

Kate: um okay, we'll continuing with questions. This one is for Corbyn and Cyryn. The question is: Do you two think you will develop feelings for one another because of how close you two already are?

Cyryn and Corbyn: EWWW!!!

Cyryn: um no offense Corbyn but you're not my type.

Corbyn: none taken. I agree. My type is black hair, dark brown eyes, New York-

Daniel: if you don't know who he's talking about you're just plain dumb.

*Zach leans over to Jack*

Zach: who's he talking about

Jack: Zach you're the definition of stupid

Cyryn: even I know he's talking about The Queen herself. Ms. Christiana Marie AKA beautychickee

Random Person: I LOVE THAT GIRL

Kate: the next question is for Jonah

Cyryn: he's still gone...

Corbyn: I'll go get him

*corbyn walks out*


*corbyn and Jonah come in arguing*

Corbyn: just shut up you have a question!!

Jonah: Fine only for the readers though!!

Kate: okay then...this question is for Jonah. Why are you with Shannon? What kinda spawn of Satan possessed you to ask her out?

Jonah: well that's a little harsh...

Daniel: yeah why did you ask her out?

*jonah looks at Cyryn*

Jonah: I find her very attractive. She's funny. She's sweet. She's beautiful. Just how her hair flows behind her when she moves. How her eyes light up when she sees someone she can trust. How her smile can light up the room. Her beautiful blon- red hair is just so...stunning...It really brings out her...eye color...


Kate: we have two more questions and then we're done. This question is for Jack and Zach. Do you think you guys will become Cryns friends too or will you bully her like Shannon?

Jack: I actually never thought of this...Cyryn is a cool person don't get me wrong but Jonah is our leader. What he says goes

Zach: I don't actually know how to answer this. I guess I'll have to wait and see how things go before I can answer.

Kate: okay next question. This is for Daniel, Jack, and Zach but anyone can answer. How do you feel about Jonah kicking Corbyn out of the group?

Corbyn: absolutely heartbroken

Daniel: I was pretty upset because the group is what brought us all together. It's how we met Cyryn in the first place.

Cyryn: yeah if you payed attention in the chapter where Corbyn and I had one of the first times we 'clicked' it tells you how the whole group ended up at the same school. What was that chapter titled?

Corbyn: I think it was Family First

Jack: Like Corbyn said, it was pretty upsetting. And what Daniel said, it was how everyone came together and met. Plus even though it's a small group and it has only been a little over a year since we came together, we've never lost anyone from the group. So it will definitely effect us some in the future because we always worked with five people not four. No offense Cyryn.

Cyryn: oh no worries. I'm not offended.

Zach: Jack pretty much summed it up. It's gonna effect us in the future in some way.

Kate: well, that's all of the questions for today. The author has somethings to say before you guys all head out and leave this interview.

Author(hehe I'm so creative): hey guys. Just wanted to say thank you for all of the support. It means a lot to me. I love writing and I know the past few updates have been extremely slow and I apologize. I will be doing more of these interview things depending on if you liked them or not. So please comment saying if you liked them or if you hated them. You can PM me too. Also you can comment questions or PM me. A few people PMed me some questions and I know some people commented questions so just wanted to say another thanks.

Kate: okay that's all for today guys!! The author is available by Post Message or comments on her stories. I'm available by comments on this chapter and so is the cast. See you guys next interview!!!

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