On кคєlєรtเค: Chapter Thirteen

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۝  Kaelestia  ~ the Powers' HQ ۝

13 – the highest level (2350)

Sunbeams flooded Power Potes' office, colouring its dusty books and parchments and its wall of weapons, scrolls and trophies, brightening the white wings of the two Hashmallim standing at the purple desk, F'cnta's spine erect, shoulders back, Cator beside him, staring blankly ahead.

F'cnta had endured Potes' military discipline for forty tasks. It was becoming tiresome. The first thirty-nine were simply to compile reports on Kaelestians who interested the Power – to a rigid format and strict deadline – and he had no authority to question why Potes wanted the data. Potes always found fault with his work, disrespecting his long experience and conscientiousness. He did not even get any thanks.

The other Hashmallim believed it was a rare honour to administer any task for such an important Kaelestian but they did not have to work with him. The hope of earning his last ribbon dwindled with every task – until Potes dropped the simple retrieval mission into his lap. Excited, he'd expected to secure his ninth ribbon for sure – but the Edon operation was proving to be anything but simple and Cator's secondment meant he'd have to share credit for any success.

F'cnta had to swallow a measure of bile that was his pride, but he wasn't petty enough to refuse Cator his support. The Power wanted to know everything of each cadre member's life, as he'd done with the thirty-nine subjects F'cnta had investigated before. Cator seemed determined to impress Potes and was grateful for F'cnta's report-writing experience. At least he may end up with a ribbon, thought F'cnta. It was important for Hashmallim to stick together, especially if his suspicions were correct – that Potes was a spy.

The Power sat studying Cator's Seraphim Report, the sunlight behind his head casting an angular shadow across the vellum pages. F'cnta felt relieved Cator would receive the Power's withering gaze and vicious grilling first. It would give him time to gauge Potes' mood and prepare himself for what he was going to say – the Power would not like it.

F'cnta was relieved Cator would be the first to receive the Power's attention. It would give him time to gauge Potes' mood and prepare himself for what he was going to say – the Power would not like it.

Cator had obtained the Seraphim Report's details on his visit to the Seraphim High Command's headquarters, a star-shaped structure east of the city.

It was surprising to learn all four of Borak's team were born as Seraphim. Cylvah and Jango, older than the other two, had joined the Cherubim after completing their five Seraph missions. Fereshte and Sofiel were favoured in the Kaelestial Palace for their voices, but had received no ribbons. They could have completed 'musical missions' if the Bright One requested it – arranging oratorios or choral compositions – equally important as combat missions to the Bright One. It was clear they were being trained to become great singers, yet Borak had chosen them for an interplanetary mission.

Cylvah had achieved her ribbons almost as quickly as Jango had – mainly from tasks for the Thrones, who guarded the Bright One from their ante-room beside the palace. Jango's missions were also guardian and escort duties, yet allotted in a matter of months. What was so important about these four young people? F'cnta wondered.

Some Kaelestians were just lucky. Born a Cherub himself, it had taken years for F'cnta to achieve enough ribbons to leave the order, and when serving as a Throne. Jango's first Cherub mission was not as easy. Potes would discover that when he picked up the Cherubim report...

F'cnta averted his gaze from Potes' face, in case he laughed at the discomfort he would surely feel when he read about that, and followed a swirl of dust motes dancing in a ray of sunlight that lanced through the large window behind Potes. It reflected off the golden Scroll of Truth gleaming in the centre of the wall. Such a powerful artifact warranted the greatest protection, and who better to keep it safe than the Powers, although F'cnta wondered why Potes deserved the honour of having it in his office when he was only the second in command–

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