Chapter 3: Traitors

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Sunlight streaked through the windowsills when she opened them.

The sound of chirping birds made the corner of her lips lift to a warm smile. She turned off the faucet after the bucket was finally filled with water, then she went to the backyard to water the flowers just out behind the kitchen. The flowers were so purple that the scent of spring filled her with euphoria. Droplets of water sprinkled into the bright green leaves as the morning sunlight radiated to them.

Tifa gazed from the flowers when she heard the voices of laughing children from afar. She could see Marlene and Denzel chasing each other across the field of lavenders. The pleasant and peaceful sight made her smile. She dusted herself off after watering the flowers, then went back into their new home somewhere in Gaia.

Five years had passed, and until now their peaceful life never ended. It was as though everything in this planet had a new start of living contentedly and no one even bothered them anymore.

"What were you thinking of, Tifa?"

The female blinked and snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Vincent's voice. He had himself settled on a small sofa; Tifa thought he was probably drinking tea.

"Nothing. It seems like our life will end like this, and I'm quite happy about it. No more wars and chaos. This is the nirvana I've longed for."

His red hues settled back on the hot tea forming tiny bubbles when he slightly made a movement. "If that were the case, not that I want to talk about it . . . I mean about Eos." He shifted uncomfortably when he saw Tifa probably shrug. "I was just wondering how (Y/N)'s doing there."

"She doesn't need to be mentioned, Vincent."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to. There's nothing to be sorry about." She blinked, taking a seat across from the male. "Five years. And I do know to myself I only talked about this now. After Cloud's death, I never wanted to talk about her."

"You're holding a grudge against (Y/N)?"

"Why, isn't it her fault why Cloud died?" Tifa glared. "She's supposed to be dead by now, and Cloud's supposed to be alive. He should be here now with us, don't you understand that?"

Vincent went silent as he stared at the cup of tea in his hand. He couldn't blame Tifa for being like that. But he couldn't put the blame to you either. He took a deep breath while slowly putting his cup of tea down on the small table before him.

"I just want to forget everything. The pain is still here." She swallowed, forcing the tears back into her eyes to keep them from rolling out. "The rest of you could've gotten over his death, but not me. It's harder than you ever know for me to move on and get over with it."

"I understand." Vincent sighed, before allowing himself to leave the living room.

Tifa could hear his footsteps on the stairs, then the sounds slowly faded. Finally, the tears streamed down her face as she gripped the fabric of her skirt. Just a few moments ago, she was feeling so much happiness. But for a second she suddenly felt a mixed feeling of anger and melancholy. No matter how hard she tried to forget, she would still look into something and remember suddenly everything.

The dream she had last night was not a thing she wanted to recall. She was walking in the pit of darkness, like she lost herself in the midst of the woods. There was a voice a man talking to her.

"You wanted revenge for the one you love, yes? Kill her. That's the only way for you to be happy and forget all the memories that inflicted great pain on you."

Crown King: Return of The Labyrinth | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن