Drunk or gay? (Teen!TomTord/TordTom)

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(Haha, yeah. Tbh I love the teen boyo's. Slightly angsty-er than adults. Teens. God this is gonna be hell. And more art. I don't do lineless much, I should it's better than my usual art)

Tom's POV

This is stupid. Everything is stupid. I thought as I walked along with my friends.

Tord was dragging us to some stupid ass college party.

"There better be booze Tord or I swear-"

"Calm yourself, Jehovah's witness, there will be booze, and lots of drunk girls~", he chuckled as he continued walking.

I would have rolled my eyes if I had them. Tord is such a nasty perv.
It's always 'girls this, hentai that'. He made me sick sometimes.

"Edd, why didn't we take the car?", Matt whined.

"Tord said that it was close enough to walk, and that if the cops showed up they would have a harder time of catching us or connecting us to the party"

I huffed and dragged behind the group, like I usually do, until we got there.

It was like an insane asylum in here. People yelling, laughing, smoking, drinking. I'm pretty sure I even saw a few snorting something.

I immediately felt discomfort when I noticed the group had split up. I felt anxiety squeeze at my lungs and throat. I hated this.

I made my way through the crowd grabbed a few beers and attached myself to a wall where nobody really was, like the wall flower I am.
I half-assed watched people as I slowly grew buzzed. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to steal some alcohol and go home. It's cold, it's loud, and there are too many people I don't know here.

I decided I'd try to find Edd and tell him I'm leaving. I stuffed about 10 bottles of beer in my "brand new" hoodie, that I had made into a makeshift bag, while holding a beer in each hand, drinking from one of them.

I stole the hoodie off the ground from somewhere in this hell. It was surprisingly warm and clean for some frat boy's hoodie, so I'm keeping it.

I made my way through the crowd when someone bumped into me. He was some blonde, jock looking, bastard. Fucking chad like guys get on my nerves.

"Hey! Watch it kid!"

"How about you watch it! You bumped into me, punk! Now piss off, I'm out of this lame ass party!"

The guy shoved me back when I tried to pass, "You dissin' my party, bruh?"

"I don't have time for your bullshit, I snuck out with my idiot "friends". I need to get the fuck out of here, before someone notices I'm gone, so fuck off!"

I shoved him back and tried to leave but he grabbed me and flung me backwards.

I fell on my ass, but quickly got up. My blood was boiling. I quickly chugged what was left of the bottle I was drinking and smashed it to make a weapon.

"Last chance dude, let me fuckin go, or this place will be a murder scene"

The dude backed off and I made my way through the now partially hushed crowd, not giving a flying fuck about the stares.

I made my way outside and started walking. I felt someone grab my shoulder and I whipped around, smashed bottle weapon in hand, ready to attack. But I relaxed a bit when I realized it was Tord.

"What do you want?"

"Where ya' goin'?"


I turned around and continued walking. But Tord followed.

"Hey, hey, Tom are you ok?"

I stopped walking and turned back to him.


"I heard you yellin' and stuff, I came to see if you were alright"

I was actually surprised for a moment, but then I remembered that Tord was most likely drunk, high, or both.

"I'm fine"

Tord turned me around and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you sure?", He asked as he stared me right in the sockets, "He didn't hurt you did he? Cause I swear if he did-"

I was stunned. I felt something warm in my chest.

It was probably the alcohol.

"No, no, I'm fine, He just shoved me a bit. That's all"

"You promise?"

"... Yeah"

I had no idea what has gotten into Tord all of a sudden, but whatever it was made him a lot more tolerable.
He smiled at me, and for some reason, I smiled back. It felt nice to have Tord on my side.

But one smile slowly evolved into a stare and then into Tord kissing me. I couldn't move, or push him away. Something was preventing me.

Definitely the booze.

As I started to melt into Tord's, alcohol tasting, lips he pulled away, blushing furiously.

"We're really drunk"

I nodded.

"Let's not talk about this"


We were both silent for a moment.

"So... You wanna go home?"

"Yeah, but under one condition"

Tord looked at me confused.

"Walk with me"

"Fine", he groaned, but I could still see his smile.

Maybe being an alcoholic has it's perks.

(Listen up kiddos. Being an alcoholic sucks, trust me I was one at one point in my life. It's not fun. It's not cool. And it literally makes you dumb and angry all the time. If you are under your countries age limit do not drink alcohol. K thanks)

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