Filler chapter w no ships oops

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((The events of the end never happened. Tord just showed up and moved back in like an asshole))

Tord's POV

I slightly shivered and curled up tighter in my blankets. It was so cold in here. And no matter how many times I get up and change the thermostat someone else changes it back!
How can these assholes stand it!? I'm a damn northerner and I think it's too cold in here!
Then again, the room I was in now was made mostly of bullet proof metal. I curled up tighter and tried to go to sleep.
In order for Tom to stop bitching I just put a bed in my laboratory, but that was such a huge mistake. It got so damn cold in here at night.
I would run one of my machines for heat, but they're "too loud" for Tom. Little bastard complained about everything.
I know we always had a bit of a rivalry, but god can't he grow up???
Suddenly the wall opened up, and some warm air and light flowed into the lab. I looked over and to see Tom standing there, drunk as hell. He was obviously hammered. You could see it in his face.
I groaned loudly in frustration. I just want to sleep goddamnit!!
"What do you want, Thomas?" I spat. I just wanted him to bugger off.
He didn't say anything. He just walked over. I could hear his bare feet slap against the floor.
"Go away, Tom, I'm trying to sleep"
I rolled over and faced the wall. I'm just gonna ignore him until he gets bored and goes away. Or, at least, I thought I was going to, until I felt a tiny figure crawl up behind me and huddle close.
I launched upwards.
"What are you doing!?"
He looked up at me with a genuine confused and slightly... upset expression..??
What the fuck???
"I wasn' doin' nothin'... C'mere-," He grabbed me by the neck of my shirt and yanked me down and hugged me tightly. What the hell is going on???
He shushed me and hid his face by burying it into my chest.
This is so weird.
Tom wouldn't hug me in a million years, let alone climb in bed and cuddle with me.
Then I heard a sniffle. Oh god no, I am not an emotional, nor comforting, person. Then again neither was Tom. Is that why he came to me?? To be honest drunk Tom was an enigma.
"Thomas..?? Uh, are you- uh, you doing ok?"
No answer. Just another pitiful sniffle.
God I hate this.
He squeezed me tighter.
Oh my God, why me, why not Edd???
God this was so fucking weird. But at least I wasn't freezing my ass off anymore.
I hesitantly pat Tom's back. I'm not good at this whole comforting thing.
"I-It'll be ok, Tom"
After some time of awkwardly patting his back Tom eventually fell asleep, snuggled close to me.
I was half asleep myself, and I wasn't gonna risk waking him up and hearing him yell, so I just left him there.
I eventually fell asleep myself. I was warm and cozy, so who could blame me?
Tom could.
And he did the next day.

Oh well.

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