Oh, I hate you! (TomTord?)

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Tord's POV

I yanked the phone away from the phone when Tom began to yell. He wanted to know why I left.
I growled, "Oh gee, I dunno Tom, maybe it has something to with YOU NOT HAVING AN INSIDE VOICE!"
Tom was quick to get angry and my statement, as per usual. We ended up bickering over the phone. We probably argued for several minutes until I heard gun fire somewhere.

Tom's POV

"AND- wait, commie, is that a gun?"
"Uh- look, I gotta go real quick, bye, love you-!"
Then he ended the call. I felt my whole body heat up. It played again in my head. 'love you'
It was so casual, yet it made me feel... something.
My chest felt tight, and it kinda hurt, but it felt good.
It was such a weird experience. I felt so bad, yet so good at the same time.
I couldn't stop hearing it in my head. It was so brief. I redialed the number. No answer.
I redialled, and redialed, and redialed.
He still didn't pick up.
I went to my room and layed down. I stared at the wall.
Did he mean it??
Was it a slip????
Is he even ok?? I know I heard gunshots!
I shook my head and grabbed a Smirnoff bottle from under the bed and chugged some of it down. Trying to stop this feeling in my chest. I tried to sleep but Matt kept screaming.
"Ugh, I thought I was done with this when I moved from my parents house!"
I pulled my pillow over my head, but it's wasn't enough.


Tom's POV

It had been months since that call. He never called back. He never replied to my texts. He didn't even read them.
It hurt. I don't know why, but it hurt me so much. It made me hate him so much. And that hurt.
I still think about that fucking bastard. Everyday.
I can still hear his annoying voice in my head. I hate him. I hate him so much.
If I ever see him again I swear I'll kill him.

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