Baby Boomer (Opposite day TomTord)

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((This art was a collab between me and my internet sis UvU. She did the lineart and I colored))

OD Tord's POV

It was late at night. Me and Tom were cuddling together. Ever since we got married we would stay up and cuddle.
"I want a baby"
I nearly fell out of the bed. If it weren't for Tom catching me I would have.
"Tord! Are you alright!?"
I nodded, and composed myself.
"Tommy... A baby?"
He nodded, "Yeah!"
"T-tom, don't you think it's too soon?"
"Not really... We've been married for like a whole year now!"
I smiled slightly, "Yes, we have been, and it's been the best year of my life... But Tommy, I don't think I'm ready for something like that..."
"Well... Ok then, I can wait another year or two"
"...or three... or four-"
"Ok. Ok. Five"
"Take it or leave it"
"... Ok.. just as long as you promise no longer than that"
I held up my pinky and Tom wrapped his around it.
"I promise"

A bunch of oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang