Tord actually uses his brain

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It was quiet.
The boys were all in bed, but Tord was the only one wide awake. He was leaving tomorrow, heading back to Norway to start his dream of running an army.
But as he laid there he couldn't help but wonder if this was the right thing to do. Of course he wanted to do this, but would it be worth it in the end? He wasn't sure if he was brought honestly. He could be tossed in jail... or killed...
'Did I really not think this through?'
Tord let out a sigh as he sat up. He just couldn't sleep with all these thoughts going through his head.
'I can't just change plans now! I've already bought the plane tickets and told the guys I'm leaving!'
He groaned to himself and decided to get a glass of water from the kitchen. Well, that was the plan, but he ran into Tom who apparently had the same idea.
The glass fell and the water splashed all over the carpet.
"Damn it, commie!"
"Shit, sorry I didn't see you-"
Tord picked up the glass and handed it back to Tom.
"Whatever, commie, what are you even doing up?"
"Oh.. I was gonna get a drink-"
"Why aren't you in bed, don't you have to go tomorrow or whatever?"
"Well yes but-..."
Tord looked down at the floor, not unsure of what to say.
"Are- ....Are you having second thoughts??"
"Sort of..? I mean, I want to do this but I don't want to leave. It's just harder to leave than I thought it would be..."
"Oh.. well, you can stay if you really want-"
"But I already made preparations!"
"Oh well, sucks to suck"
"You suck!"
"Your mom sucks!"
"No your mom sucks-!"
Suddenly Tord was being tackled to the ground by the shorter man, he had an enraged look.
"What did you say?!"
"U-uh.. nothing...?"
"That's what I thought, " Tom stood and helped Tord up, "Now stop being stupid. If you want to stay then stay, if not then go"
Tom started to walk back to the kitchen to refill his glass and Tord followed to go get a one to fill. They took their turns at the sink and then stared at each other awkwardly for a while as they sipped. It was a weirdly silent moment between the two.
Tom decided that enough was enough and tried to excuse himself, but Tord stopped him.
"Wait, before you go, I just wanted to say.. thanks.. you know for the, uh, advice"
"Oh.. no problem..?"
They stood together awkwardly for another minute before they quickly booked it to their respective rooms.
Tord ended up staying after all, who would've guessed?

((This is so bad I'm sorry))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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